Page 18 - Runshaw College Prospectus 2020
P. 18
Learning Support
Learning Support for students with additional assessed needs
A team of specialist staff are dedicated to promoting inclusive learning for students with an assessed additional need.
Runshaw College uses a model of support which is graduated to provide the appropriate
level of support to all students to minimise barriers and promote independence.
Support begins with high quality, personalised teaching for all students, delivered by every teacher at Runshaw College. There are clear objectives, clear explanations, technology and lively interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of all of the different ways
of learning.
Barriers to learning are minimised within classes by incorporating reasonable adjustments to meet individual needs.
Some students may need extra support for their learning. Teachers and Educational Support Workers may work with students in and out of class to remove barriers to learning and promote independence.
A few students may need more intensive support for their learning. This could include in-class support, out of class support, 1-1 specialist teaching or assistive technology.
Study Support provide a quiet study area in
a supportive environment which is adjacent
to the College Library, whilst exam access arrangements are available to eligible students in line with exam board regulations.
at college
Learning Support