Page 10 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
P. 10

 Name: Taylor Boyle
Title: Miss Shelby County Teen Volunteer
Age as of December 31st, 2022: 16 Years Old
Social Media: FB: Taylor Boyle Instagram: @itssmeetaylor
Platform: The Art of Confidence - helping youth grow their confidence through involvement in the arts. Talent: Don't Rain on My Parade / Vocal
They selected 3 of the following topics and provide brief answers
    1. What makes you special and unique? 2. What is the best advice you have ever received? 3. What can you not live without? 4. What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned? 5. Who is your most valued role model? 6. What has been your most unexpected moment? 7. What is your greatest accomplishment? 8. What is the best compliment you have ever received? 9. What is your secret wish or dream?
My secret dream is to author and publish a book. I have always loved and appreciated the art of literature and the ability that skilled writers have to transport readers to another world with their words. I would love to be able to write a story that would be someone's escape from reality.
The best advice I have ever received is to always be myself and to be proud of my unique personality.
My greatest accomplishment to date has been planning, organizing, directing, and staging what is to be an annual "Dance for a Cure" fundraising event. The first annual event benefited St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and raised more than $3,000! The second annual event is set to be held in January and will benefit the Colorectal Cancer Alliance. My platform is all about the Arts and keeping those alive and accessible for Tennessee's youth - what better way to use my involvement and passion for the arts than to stage an event to help raise awareness and help save lives!

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