Page 22 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
P. 22
What can you do during your Tenure of Service as a Titleholder to impact your community?
My platform, Discover Your Path, focuses on educating students on the multitude of careers and valuable opportunities waiting for us by interviewing professionals of any field. I am dedicated to gathering life advice from a diverse range of successful figures of society to share with students across the state! As Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer, I will livestream and post IGTVs of the interviews conducted to help students find their passions and career path.
Furthermore, I will continue supporting Best Buddies International, serving my community through the Alliance of Youth Leaders organization, and volunteering at social and public events. Some examples of past acts of service include appearing on the news for donating $2035 for local libraries, sorting goods at the Mid-South Food Bank, reading to elementary school children, donating to homeless shelters, sprucing up local parks, and customizing cards for hospitalized children, essential workers, and senior citizens/veterans!
What has been your involvement with your platform?
I have interviewed 51 professionals ranging from any professional field (college presidents, mayor, scientists, TN Senator, CEO of LeBhoneur Hospital, artists, pig sanctuary owner, etc.)! In addition, I created two journalism associations in Florida and Tennessee to allow students to better understand the professional world by gathering valuable experiences and advice from the interviewees. The interview transcripts and videos are shared on the journalism association’s website as well as Instagram.
What inspired you to first become involved in your platform?
I am passionate about interviewing professionals in various fields to learn about their paths, experiences, and advice while sharing them with students and adults. I was inspired to begin the journalists’ associations in Florida and Tennessee when I witnessed a lack of direction in many students for life beyond school. Although children and students have a long way to go before stepping into the professional world, I believe it is incredibly important to set a career goal as well as listen to the ones who have already made it to understand what life is truly about. It is never too early to Discover Your Path.
If you are selected as the winner, how would you mobilize and market your platform nationally?
Utilizing hashtags and going on live with other state Volunteer America titleholders will market my platform beyond Tennessee. In addition, traveling to different states to conduct interviews will help gain awareness to my platform across the nation.
How would you utilize social media in order to positively further your position as a titleholder if you are selected as the winner?
Social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok contain the target audience for both the title and the Miss Tennessee Volunteer America Pageant. Through posting regularly on Instagram/FB/TikTok about my position, platform, and daily life content, children and young adults will become more engaged by the authenticity of the posts. My past year as Miss Tennessee Teen USA has given me insight on how to gain a social media presence, and I will implement the strategies as Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer!