Page 26 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
P. 26
What can you do during your Tenure of Service as a Titleholder to impact your community?
An honor it would be to be named Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer. I constantly strive to live up to the expectations this program represents. Holding the title, I would have the opportunity to not only work just with my community, but also the great state of Tennessee, my goal would be to not only use my platform Soles4Souls continuing to collect shoes, but also show others that they can achieve anything as long as they put in the work!
What has been your involvement with your platform?
I have been working with Soles4Souls for over 4 years now. I know what it’s like firsthand to be in need of something as important as a pair of shoes. Along with holding shoe drives in my community and partnering with local businesses to set up boxes, I have collected over 5,000 pairs of shoes. My goal with Soles4Souls is to hopefully one day be able to go on one of their mission trips to not only share the love of God with kids, but also be able to give them a pair of shoes and watch the excitement on their faces.
What inspired you to first become involved in your platform?
I was first introduced to the organization at the age of twelve when I was just starting to get involved in the “bigger” pageants. I realized that many people grow up with different struggles, for me the light bill was more important than a pair of shoes. When I first became an ambassador for Soles4Souls, I was able to set my first box up at my gymnastics center, and ended up collecting around 600 shoes within the first year. I started making goals for shoes each month and would exceed it every time. Truthfully, Soles4Souls has made several opportunities for me personally as I have been blessed to have collected shoes for those in my community. I didn’t realize that people just around the corner needed the basic necessities of shoes, and I am so grateful to be a part of the organization that takes the stress of buying shoes off of some families.
If you are selected as the winner, how would you mobilize and market your platform nationally?
I plan to continue my work with Soles4Souls by working with businesses, churches, and civic organizations both locally and statewide, distributing collection boxes to gather used shoes. I will continue to educate others about the need these impoverished souls have for these shoes and the importance of not throwing shoes away. By utilizing the Nashville based 501c3 organization, we can expose just how many people are without shoes and get more teens and adults involved in giving. I believe to truly change the lives of people we first must meet their basic needs of shelter, clothing, food, and love. Soles4Souls can accomplish just that, and I am excited to be a part of helping to “wear out poverty”. I will continue to make sure everyone knows that “ If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn’t, donate it!”
How would you utilize social media in order to positively further your position as a titleholder if you are selected as the winner?
I believe social media is the best way to reach others, especially teens. I will use social media as a way to educate others about my personal platform Soles4Souls, along with sharing my story. By using social media, it creates endless opportunities for showing the love I have for giving back and also showing others that they can too! I will strive to reach out to those who feel like they aren’t enough, and encourage others to join me in my journey of “wearing out poverty”!