Page 29 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
P. 29

  Name: Anna Grace Loudenbeck
Title: Miss Alexandria Teen Volunteer
InstagramHandle: @agloudenbeck @missalexandriateenvol2022
Age: 17
Platform Title: Preventing Childhood Hunger Talent: Vocal / “Flashlight”
Education: Briarcrest Christian School
Education & Professional Objective:
To obtain a degree in Business Management with a minor in Music Songwriting/ Production
Honors & Achievements:
Honors student with a 4.6 GPA; 2 time recipient of the Joseph A. Clayton award; National Honor Society; National Spanish Honor Society; All-West Choir member; All-State Choir member; Duke TIP qualifier; chosen as a member of the award-winning a cappella group, OneVoice; Briarcrest homecoming court, Junior representative
Leadership Positions:
Sophomore Class Senator; Freshman and Sophomore Class Representative; named MVP of Varsity Golf team; qualified for TSSAA state in golf; Briarcrest Ambassador; Wilson Society and Key club member; Coordinated a team to visit retirement homes in the Memphis and Germantown area to entertain; implemented a food drive at my school
Employment Experience:
I work at Warehouse 67 in customer sales and deliveries. I also enjoy babysitting for several families in my neighborhood and at my school.
Special Skills & Activities:
I sing with my high school a cappella group, OneVoice; I play on the varsity golf and lacrosse team; I taught myself chords so I could produce my own music and I am working on a debut album.
What can you do during your Tenure of Service as a Titleholder to impact your community?
I believe it is very important to give back to the people in your community. If honored with the title of Tennessee Teen Volunteer, I would use this opportunity to raise awareness to Childhood Hunger and work to improve as many children’s lives as I can. I will visit schools and gain relationships with the children that I am helping. I believe it is important for them to have compassionate friendships they gain through our service to them. During my Tenure of Service I will travel with pop-up drives and events throughout the state of Tennessee. It would be a blessing and an honor to represent my home state while fulfilling my desire to volunteer.
What has been your involvement with your platform?

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