Page 32 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
P. 32
Name: Anna Grace Loudenbeck
Title: Miss Alexandria Teen Volunteer
Age as of December 31st, 2022: 17 Years Old
Social Media: FB: Anna Grace Loudenbeck Instagram: @agloudenbeck Platform: Preventing Childhood Hunger
Talent: Flashlight / Singer
They selected 3 of the following topics and provide brief answers
1. What makes you special and unique? 2. What is the best advice you have ever received? 3. What can you not live without? 4. What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned? 5. Who is your most valued role model? 6. What has been your most unexpected moment? 7. What is your greatest accomplishment? 8. What is the best compliment you have ever received? 9. What is your secret wish or dream?
I cannot live without my family or support system. I would not be where I stand today without the strong backbone my loved ones provide me. They stand beside me no matter what I'm doing and they always will. I hold them dear and close to my heart.
I am a song writer so my secret dream is to co-write or sell my songs to a role model of mine. Not for money, or fame, but for conformation that my work is valued. I dream to become like Taylor Swift someday and be known for my writing.
The best advice I ever received was to live in the moment and not though a screen. I get so caught up in the pictures, the likes, and the comments, but true enjoyment comes from experiences, scenery, and emotions you feel. You can capture moments, but you will always remember them more if you live in the moment.