Page 63 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
P. 63
Name: Eris Hollingsworth
Title: Miss Northwest TN Teen Volunteer
Age as of December 31st, 2022: 16 Years Old
Social Media: FB: Victoria Hollingsworth Instagram: victoria_jane25
Platform: My platform is "Feeding the Families". I want to help those families that go hungry and feel embarrassed at having to get help. No one should ever feel ashamed for asking for help whether it is for food or for mental/physical health. This is why I have done food drives and pageants to help raise food.
Talent: Hallelujah / Singing
They selected 3 of the following topics and provide brief answers
1. What makes you special and unique? 2. What is the best advice you have ever received? 3. What can you not live without? 4. What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned? 5. Who is your most valued role model? 6. What has been your most unexpected moment? 7. What is your greatest accomplishment? 8. What is the best compliment you have ever received? 9. What is your secret wish or dream?
I can not live without my niece, Naomi. She’s my pride and joy. Naomi makes me want to accomplish everything I can, and she’s my reason for everything. She came at a time when I was really low, and she made me realize that there are reasons to pushing.
I get told a lot told that my smile lights up everything around me. This is the most special compliment that I can ever get. I smile a lot no matter what I’m doing or going through so knowing that my smile can make someone's day and can help brighten up a room really helps me to keep smiling.
I really want a pet alligator. Thats my wish.. When I tell anyone that I absolutely would love an alligator walking around my backyard they think I’m crazy. But no matter what anyone says I’ll still keep my gator well fed and good company one day.