Page 114 - Iris Tennessee Teen Judges Book 2022
P. 114
What can you do during your Tenure of Service as a Titleholder to impact your community? I love to promote body positivity. So many young girls and boys deal with this every day. I have even dealt with it myself. I would love to be that shining light for someone and tell them that are wonderfully made and beautiful.
What has been your involvement with your platform? Over the past year I have had so many opportunities to show support for my platform, Paws on My heart. My family and I held a fund raising pageant in which we raised over 3000 dollars for the Jackson Animal Care Center. This helped spay and neuter stray dogs and cats and helped find them foster homes. I have also made regular posts on social media to help promote caring for these animals.
What inspired you to first become involved in your platform? My love for all creatures especially the ones that are in the shelters without forever homes simply pull at my heart strings. They all deserve to be loved.
If you are selected as the winner, how would you mobilize and market your platform nationally? I will continue to work to raise funds to support the local shelters and bring awareness to the needs these special animals have. Through fund raising opportunities and social media I really feel as though I can make an impact.
How would you utilize social media in order to positively further your position as a titleholder if you are selected as the winner? I have been involved in posting a “Wonder Woman Wednesday”. I have tagged different women that need to be recognized for excellence and those that just inspire me. I feel that together, women can encourage each other to do great things and help pave the way for younger girls. Women encouraging women is a powerful force. I come from a long line of strong, independent, successful women. All young girls need that kind of role model.