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bearing the fruit of an
international bond: the tale
of two sister cities
Words by: Leah Runge Waldrop Photos provided by: Cullman County Museum
 An undeniable sense of heritage and tradition can be felt within the city of Cullman - whether by first- time visitors or lifelong citizens. It is a legacy 145 years in the making. Cullman’s Germanic roots run deep with strides being continuously taken by city officials to ensure that Colonel John G. Cullmann’s vision for “Die Deutsche Kolonie Von Nord Alabama” (The German Colony of North Alabama) is maintained and its roots continue to dig deeper.
One of the most influential steps in ensuring that Cullman would continue to keep true to its roots was establishing and cementing an international Sister City relationship with the birthplace of
Colonel John G. Cullman - the beautiful Riesling wine village of Frankweiler, German, nestled in the region of Rheinland-Pfalz. The exact village from where Colonel Cullmann drew his inspiration when creating his vision for the newly established German refugee colony.
So, how does a Sister City relationship of international proportions come about and why does a relationship of this type hold such a large weight of importance for a city like Cullman?
It took close to a decade to come to fruition; however, the wheels began to turn a century after
Cullman Oktoberfest 2022 | 26

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