Page 4 - No Tresspass Fridays Aug 30 2019
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Application, n. 1. A petition; a request for something (an application for benefits). Requisition, entreaty, solicitation, appeal,inquiry,demand, motion, proposal, submission, proposition, bid, presentation, prayer. 2. Relevance (the testimony has no application to the issue). Function, utilization, operation, pertinence, appositeness, germaneness, aptness, utility, bearing, fitness, meaning,significance. Diligent attention (application to your legal studies). Effort resolution, diligence, perseverance, dedication, commitment, tenacity, industry, attentiveness
Certification, n. A formal assertion, usually in writing of some fact (the union received certification from NLRB). Confirmation, affirmation, substantiation, support, validation, attestation, endorsement, ratification,, acknowledgment, testimony, authentication, documentary proof, verification, corroboration, assurance, declaration, credential, affidavit, recognition, authorization, documentation, ticket, permit, warrant, deposition, license, instrument, document.
Certificate, n. A written assurance or official representation that some act has or has not been done (the builder filed a certificate of compliance). Document, documentation, certification, affidavit, official statement, acknowledgement, recognition, written evidence, entitlement, attestation, credential, permit, instrument, testimonial, diploma, voucher, deed, validation, authorization, authority, license declaration, contract, endorsement, testament, guarantee.
Registrant, n. The person who registers. See Applicant, candidate.
Registered, adj. Entered or recorded in some official register,record,orlist. See register (1) record.
Registration, n. 1. Inserting in an official record; formally applying (registration for the course). Recording, reservation, signing up, inscription, enrollment, filing, listing, enlistment, booking. See also inauguration,enroll,register. 2. See certification.
 Certified, adj. Authorized, verified (certified representative). Warranted guaranteed, possessing a certificate, licensed, proven, established, authenticated, corroborated, substantiated, acknowledged, documented, confirmed. Ant. unauthorized.
Certify, v. To state formally that something is true or genuine (the notary certified her signature.) Authenticate, affirm, warrant, attest, verity, corroborate, aver, guaranty, guarantee, witness, vouch for, testify to, substantiate, prove, certificate, validate, assure, notarize, insure, ensure, stand behind, indemnify, acknowledge, document, proclaim, ratify, asseverate, bear witness, avouch, proclaim, sustain, reassure, countersign, assert, confirm, prove, manifest, establish.
Cestui que trust, n. Beneficiary of a trust. See beneficiary
 Registrant, Registar, Accountant, Recorder, Treasurer,

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