Page 3 - No Trespass Presentation 9:20:19
P. 3

HONEST Upright; just; fair in dealing with others; free from trickishness and fraud; acting
and having the disposition to act at all times according to justice or correct moral principles; applied to persons.
Fair; just; equitable; free from fraud; as
an honest transaction; an honest transfer of property.
An honest man's the noblest work of God. SERVICE In a general sense, labor of body
or of body and mind, performed at the command of a superior, or the pursuance of duty, or for the benefit of
another. service is voluntary or involuntary. Vol untary service is that of hired servants, or of contract, or of persons who spontaneously perform something for another's
benefit. Involuntary service is that of slaves, who work by compulsion.
The business of a servant; menial office.
Actual duty; that which is required to be done in an office; as, to perform the services of a clerk, a sherif or judge.
Employment; business; office; as, to qualify a man for public service.
Place of a servant; actual employment of a servant; as, to be out of service.
Any thing done by way of duty to a superior.
Honest Service Fraud - Access Device Fraud
Fraud Related to Activity Related to Access Devices - (a) Whoever knowingly and with intent to
defraud produces, uses, or traffics in one or
more counterfeit access devices; by conduct obtains anything of value aggregating $1,000 in 1 year; without the authorization of the issuer of the access device, knowingly and with intent to defraud solicits
a person for the purpose of (A)offering an access device; or (B)selling information regarding or an application to obtain an access device; Is subject to fine, prison up to 15 years or BOTH.

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