Page 9 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
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Fur and Leather Workers Union were convicted in court of using terrorism in the labor field, the National Lawyers Guild again appeared as a friend of the court in behalf of the defendants.
A resolution opposing deportation proceedings against Communist Harry Bridges was adopted by the fifth convention of the National Lawyers Guild in 1941. The guild also submitted a brief amicus curiae in the case.
In recent years, the National Lawj^ers Guild has intervened as amicus curiae on behalf of the following leading Communists:
Gerhart Eisler, Communist international agent convicted in United States com'ts of passport fraud and contempt of Congress;
Leon Josephson, Communist attorney exposed as an official procurer of false passports for Communist agents such as Gerhart
Eisler; Josephson was convicted of contempt of Congress;
Carl Aldo Alarzani, convicted of concealing Communist affilia-
tions wliile employed by the United States Government;
John Howard Lawson and Dalton Trumho, Communist screen
writers from Hollywood convicted of contempt of Congress;
Eugene Dennis, secretary of the Communist Party, U. S. A.,
convicted of contempt of Congress. — The National Law^yers Guild also intervened in behalf of Richard Alorford, who as head of the subversive National Coun-
cil of American-Soviet Friendship was convicted of contempt of
Congress ;
George Marshall, head of the now-defunct Communist front,
the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, also
convicted of contempt of Congress;
Edward K. Barsky and other officers of the subversive Joint
Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, convicted of contempt of
Congress ;
Eleven top officials oj the Communist Party, U. S. A., convicted
of consphacy to advocate the overtlirow of the United States
Government by force and violence.
The committee is reproducing below a list of National Lawyers
Guild members who have represented witnesses before the Committee on Un-American Activities. In each case, the witnesses have refused
to answer questions regarding Communist affiliations propounded by the committee. In a number of cases espionage activities were involved. It should be noted in this connection that it is standard Communist practice to accept as attorneys only those who agree to abide by the party's propaganda and conspirative directives. Cases are known where attorneys who have volunteered theh services have been summarily rejected because they would not become partners to the party's ulterior pm-poses.

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