Page 218 - Buku Paket Kelas 2 Tema 8
P. 218

         Daftar Pustaka
Butterworth, John and Geoff Thwaites. 2010. Thinking Skills. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Dale, Liz and Rosie Tanner. 2012. CLIL Activities A Resource for Subject and Language Teachers. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Harvey, Stephanie and Anne Goudvis. 2000.
Strategies That Teaching Comprehension to Enhance Understanding. Markham, Ontorio: Pembroke Publishers Limited.
Kitching, Katie. 2000. Sounds Like This: First Steps in Phonics, Linking Sounds with Letter Shapes. United Kingdom: Belair Publications Limited.
McKnight, Katherine S. 2013. The Elementary Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic Organizers. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.
Murti, Dyah R.B.R. & Lukman Zen. 2010. Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan untuk SD/MI Kelas II. Jakarta: Pusbuk, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional.
Pica, Rae. 2012. Permainan-permainan Pengembangan Karakter Anak-anak. Jakarta: Indeks.
Suwandi, dkk. 2010. Penjasorkes 2. Jakarta: Pusbuk, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional.
Buku Siswa SD/MI Kelas II

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