Page 27 - September October 2014
P. 27
September/October 2014
Telecom Reseller 27
always shows the same as the phone system will show you a neatly formatted list of the zones R
instead of the time where they are. How can I that are in your PBX. If you do have zones that UFFIN
get the time to show right for them?
were created for people in other time zones, the
programmer should have been kind enough to A
by Phil Rufin
identify them in the description ield. If you don’t Notes
When you program the set for a user
see the zone you’re looking for, the next step is to I’ve been working with Nortel who resides in a part of the country
create one.
systems for quite a few years, but we (or another country) with a diferent
time zone, you can set the phone to be in that just started using IP phones recently.
● You irst need to determine what bandwidth time zone. Before you do that, though, you
I have 1120 E’s and 1140 E’s as well as 2050
you want to allow for interzone (zone-to-zone) have to create a zone for that area. Of course, it’s sotphones. Some of my users are now located
traic as well as intrazone (inside the zone) traic. possible you already have one created. Take a in other parts of the country with diferent
Let’s say one megabit each for now.
look in overlay 117 and see. Type stat zone. hat
time zones but the time on their phones
● Next you need to choose whether you want have the system provide “best bandwidth” (using
G.729 codec) or “best quality” (using G.711
codec) for these calls. his zone will be using your
WAN, so bandwidth is precious. Let’s select best YOUR TICKET TO BECOMING A CLOUD
● So here’s how you would create zone 11 in
overlay 117: new zone 11 1000000 bb 1000000
bb (new zone 11 with 1 meg interzone bandwidth
at best bandwidth strategy, and 1 meg intrazone Vodia's cloud-ready IPPBX software offers an unparalleled go-to-market hosted
bandwidth with best bandwidth strategy).
IPPBX solution for managed service providers (MSP) of all sizes through a robust
● he system should respond and tell you how platform that delivers the highest levels of service uptime and scalability. Vodia
many zones you have now.
IPPBX software is purpose-built to help new service providers realize economies of
● he next step is to tell the PBX that this zone scale and drive down startup costs by being able to serve multiple client
is deined as a “branch”. Use this: chg zbrn 11 yes organizations on a single hosted PBX server in the cloud, and eliminating the need
(change zone branch lag to yes).
for dedicated hardware for each individual customer. The subscription-based SaaS
● Now assume the branch time is two hours ahead of yours. hat’s 120 minutes, so here is the pricing model is further designed to help keep IT costs consistent or even lower
command: chg ztdf 11 120 (change the zone time than packaged software for the end-customer while providing a steady recurring
diference from the home oice). If the remote
oice has earlier time than your home oice, use a revenue stream for the service provider, creating a win-win situation for all. With
minus sign to indicate the earlier time.
plug-and-play endpoint set up, multi-tenancy, advanced contact center
● Now you need to give it a description so you functionality, enterprise mobility and rich collaboration features, you now have all
and anyone else programming sets can tell which the tools you need to start your own cloud communications business in no time and
zone to use: chg zdes 11 hose_other_guys_in_ provide a great user experience to your customers.
that_other_oice (of course, you’ll use something
more descriptive for your purposes).
● Next is the command to bring it into service:
enl zbr 11 (enable the zone).
Zero startup costs
Recurring revenue stream
Take a look at your zones again using the Unlimited extensions and call paths Full control of minutes
command: stat zone (zone status).
Free server redundancy
● You can create as many of these as you need. hen you assign that zone number when you
Full white labeling
Plug-and-play setup
program (or reprogram) the set TN.
Call and data security
What’s the best way to reboot a 1140E
Full admin level control
IP set remotely?
here may be other ways, but I disable it
and move it to another port, then repeat
the process to take it back. If someone
Call us today:
is at the phone, you might get them to press the
Services button twice quickly, then select Network
Coniguration, and Apply.
How can I make a USB headset work
with my Nortel 1140E IP telephone?
he set doesn’t seem to know I
plugged it in. +1-617-399-8147
he 1140E has to be told to use the USB
for its headset connection. Press the Services button twice quickly and select
Preferences, then select Headsets. Change the
setting for Active Headset Device from Wired to VodiaNetworks VodiaPBX
USB. he other headset settings all go grey. Exit
and try it out.
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15/10/2014 17:04