Page 5 - Telecom Reseller FebMar 2016
P. 5

March/April 2014
Telecom Reseller

February/March 2016
Telecom Reseller 5

continued from page 1
Higher Education + Technology = ACUTA

Continued from page 22
single vendor, multi-site businesses like Dixie Toshiba America Information Systems Inc., 
cPrleywatoeodsocamnecholeogsealtheisdseupelso.ymReinstktypred(culcoiundg Tedleecvomicme unthicationcoSuysldtembs eDivpisuiorcnhisasoendboabryd 
As a CIO, it is important for
• Professional networking at its best happens at the face-to-face poorloinc-iepsremiussetsobreadmevixeloofpbeodth.)thatmakes wiethmtphelotyreneds.towITardwthilelhnyebreidctloude-taenrdmine 
me to be a part of a group of events and via the listserv/community. We provide opportunities to connect •theRmesopstosnesnisbeifloitritehse:ir pDaroteicsulaarnbusienmespsloyee haws bheiecnhfodrevaiwchesilei.tTiossahbiblae torstsiunptrpoodrutc.ed
people who strive to con nually evolve as knowledgeable with people who can help you succeed. and
•itsGVeIPoe-dFgeenclionugd:-bIatsmedasyerbveicethinat20s1e2cuarsiaty, or
technology professionals.
• High-quality education features presenters at seminars and data use needs, require policies to gov-
data have a responsibility to protect the
hosted version of the company’s IPedge IP-based
Look for additional IPedge so ware
I know of no be er organiza on conferences who are experts in the eld.
ern devices used within prede ned geo-
device? What if precautions are not taken
communications system (both have the same
improvements in 2016 that will bene t Toshiba’s
to be a part of than ACUTA.
• Valuable publications bring critical information to you in a timely, graphical areas. Different regions gener-
to protect the device?
so ware stream), adding this “as-a-service”
installed base of IP-PBX systems (a huge
Keith Fowlkes Director of Informaon Technology pro-active way.
ally have different laws.
• Rights: The legal rights of employees
option to its well-known portfolio of telephony
opportunity in terms of so ware and support
Services and CIO • Online resources give you access to solutions that will help you meet • Bandwidth Throttling: Organizations
and organizations differ from country to
systems and other on-premises business
contracts and the potential to integrate these
Centre College
the needs of your campus faculty, staff, and students.
must determine how to allocate employ-
country, so policy may have to be altered
communications solutions. Toshiba’s experience
as part of a hybrid cloud migration) and the
• Professional development opportunities abound at ACUTA, ee demand for bandwidth across a broad
on a country-to-country basis.
in communications dates back 140 years.
company’s VIPedge cloud service. Any new
giving you experiences that will help you grow professionally and advance swath of locations, roles and usage vol-
• Liability: Who is liable for the loss of pri-
Since 2012, Toshiba has been developing
IPedge so ware developments e ectively
your career.
vate data when protocols are followed?
additional cloud-related o erings, including
“kill two birds with one stone” since the • Business Support vs. Personal Support:
• Privacy: What measures will a company
hybrid solutions that make use of both on-site
improvements will bene t both deployment
Organizations must determine the extent
take to protect the privacy of the employee?
equipment and hosted services - o en a perfect
types (premises and cloud). Toshiba will also be
Questions: Call Amy at (859) 278-3338.
Join Today!
to which they are willing to provide
• Look for the second part of this article
 t for the company’s installed base of IPedge
introducing more hosted applications in 2016,
Connecting Campus IT Professionals with Ideas and Solutions
technical support for an employee-owned
where we will detail the next three essen-
systems, Strata CIX converged IP/digital systems
including meet-me conferencing, contact center
tials for a successful BYOD policy. % and disaster recovery delivered from the cloud.
and even earlier Strata CTX digital systems. For
• DeviceLoss:Devicelossortheftisafact
Stay tuned. n
Toshiba, investment protection and ensuring
of life. Therefore, an organization should
that customers are not le  behind as technology
have a plan for protecting (or wiping) a
moves forward are a top priority during its
lost device.
research and development cycles.
• Reimbursement: How will employees 
Connect and Communicate
be reimbursed for devices and/or data 
Since 2012, Toshiba has been
Essential 3: Build a Legal Policy 
developing additional cloud-related
Allowing employee-owned devices into 
the work environment will undoubtedly
offerings, including hybrid solutions 

that make use of both on-site
equipment and hosted services
Continued from page 17
to maintain operations. This means each
TELECOM & piece of your internal network is still
responsible for connecting you to vital
WE BUY data, and can still present a liability when
NETWORKING power problems occur, even though the
To explain further, most of the traditional
data is off-site.
telephony vendors are now o ering some cloud-
Here are a few areas to consider when
based solutions.  ese may include (1) Hybrid
moving to the cloud:
Applications that allow a business customer
• IT & Network Infrastructure
to subscribe to hosted/cloud services for some
• Telephone systems are no longer stand-
applications, while using on-site solutions for
alone—modems, switches, hubs, routers,
others and/or (2) Hybrid Networking whereby
wireless access points, and other network
a multi-site organization can deploy an on-
devices all work to maintain each per-
site telephony system at some locations, while
son’s connection to the cloud, and the
subscribing to a cloud telephony service at
data and services provided by it. Each of
others and tying all locations together as a single
these devices should be backed up with a
network with feature transparency and common
UPS that can accommodate its electrical
applications regardless of the deployment model.
load for the desired amount of time.
While many of its competitors are in the
• Network device loads vary greatly, from 
apipnreoxacpheens,siTvoeshsibtanisdablyreaudnyit,hetroe.large loads 
tIhnaJtunreq2u0i1r4e, Taolsihnibeaiintterroadcutcivede Hoyrbtriude on-
TECH Clloiunde Nsyetswteomrkifnograamdoenqgutahte cboamcpkaunpy.’s 
•hoWsteodr/kclsotuadtiotenlesphony UC service (VIPedge) 
•anWd ihtsilpereimt isese-mbaseodbbvuisoinuess,sepvheornye swysotrekmssta-
tion (including the PC, telephone hand-
(IPedge and Strata CIX). Toshiba customers
set, and peripherals) within the building
can also utilize the company’s SIP Trunking
depends on power to function properly.
I-VoIP Service for free local and long distance
When cloud storage is involved,  les
calling among all networked locations. Toshiba’s
are often saved locally before being
VIPedge Application Service followed in
uploaded, and can be lost or corrupted
September 2014, making Uni ed Messaging
when power problems occur.
and Uni ed Communications applications
swtaitthioanSst,rabtauCt IhXaosr buepegnradigednoStrreadta fCoTr Xsesyvseteraml
years. These are often found to have a dead
(these applications are already built into the
battery when called upon, leading to data
company’s IPedge so ware). In 2015, Toshiba
loss and potential hardware damage.
announced common management across its
Appropriate workstation backup is
cloud and on-site solutions with the latest
From products to training, from installation services to excess purchasing, A1 Teletronics does it all.
largely dependent on the backup runtime
version of its Enterprise Manager browser-based
desired, and how much space is available
administration tool.
We continue to redefine independent distribution within the telecommunications and networking channel for the installation. Slimline tower line
through an unmatched dedication to quality and service. We’ll help you connect and communicate.
interactive systems are a popular solution,
as they provide a favorable mix of runtime,
Toshiba has a number of actual hybrid cloud
power conditioning, and space savings.
deployments under its belt, including Dixie
Don’t get lost in the clouds
Plywood and Lumber Company, a Toshiba
While it is easy to consider your prob-
800.797.2983 customer since 1996. Dixie Plywood has
lems solved once critical operations are
ISO 9001
added Toshiba’s VIPedge cloud-based business
in the hands of a professional data center,
telephone service to its existing network of
the job is simply not done yet. A complete
AscdiNatd IPedge and Strata CIX on-premises systems,
protection system on-site is critical, and can
The global alliance of the it channel
creating a uni ed hybrid network across 12
help ensure your link to the cloud is more
As an Independent Distributor, A1 Teletronics, Inc. is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise.
locations in  ve states. With Toshiba as the
like an escalator than a magic beanstalk. % 
Any and all trademark rights associated with the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.
For more visit

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