Page 9 - SkypeBuzz Spring 2016
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1st Quarter 2016
SkypeBuzz by Telecom Reseller 9 
TeleWare launches new cloud- 
experience. Ultimately, improving productivity, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) - with
based recording function for increasing revenue and lowering costs.”
TeleWare’s IVR, businesses can enhance their 
 e key SfB enhancements o ered by TeleWare customer experience by o ering alternative 
contact options, including call-back, email 
Skype for Business
Cloud-based Voice Recording – the cloud-based and SMS, eliminating caller waiting time and 
Voice Recording solution allows customers to abandoned calls.
record voice calls through their SfB interface.  e Intelligent Number – this function, exclusive to 
easy-to-deploy solution is fully FCA and Dodd- TeleWare, is a non-geographic number that travels 
Frank compliant. Active recording methodology with, and is associated to the user rather than a A new cloud-based enhancement for Skype
that they can use within their SfB interface.
provides a direct connection from the Lync device, meaning that the number can be accessed for Business (SfB) has been launched by  is new o ering allows businesses to integrate 
Servers to TeleWare’s solution for reliable and on any device,  xed or mobile, around the globe.
communications technology specialists, additional functions to enhance the core 
e cient service.
Comprehensive Reporting Services – TeleWare’s TeleWare.  e only solution that incorporates product. It is integrated into the existing network 
Enterprise Class Voicemail – easy, visual analytics solution provides productivity and compliant voice recording with Interactive Voice infrastructure and requires little investment, 
management of voicemail, putting an end to performance reports, giving complete visibility
Response (IVR) and enterprise class voicemail. making it an easy and cost e ective solution to 
trawling through menus and audio  les.  is of the customer journey. Our reporting service  e enhancement will capture and analyse call deploy.
device-agnostic application provides a list of provides easy-to-understand information which data, helping users to gain a deeper insight into He went on to say, “ e real value of this 
voicemails by contact and time, allowing the
enables businesses to quickly identify where their business.  e result is improved employee enhancement is through the analysis of the call 
user to rapidly identify and prioritise voicemail improvements to the customer experience can be engagement, businesses agility, process e ciency data captured.  is business insight is translated 
responses and ensuring no important information made.
and customer satisfaction.
into valuable information that can be used to 
is ever missed or lost.
More at
Steve Haworth, CEO of Teleware Group, said train and coach sta  to provide a better customer
“We developed this solution to respond directly to 
the fact there are some limitations with the ‘o  the 
shelf’o ering. Anumberofexistingcustomers 
have come to us looking for a recording solution
Nectar Recognized for Skype for Business Network 

Tool with CRN 2015 Tech Innovator Award

Yealink to Release 

Desktop Phone Nectar Services Corp., a leader in the every element of our customer’s UC for Business ecosystem.
development and deployment of network has the end-to-end visibility “Aside from ensuring that the proper
Portfolio for proactive network monitoring and that enables us to pinpoint any issue, foundation is in place to support a UC 
management software for the Uni ed anywhere in the network in real-time. network, having the ability to diagnose, 
Microsoft O ce Communications (UC) industry, has been Nectar’s UCMP has allowed us to o er our perform root-cause analysis and 
named one of the IT industry’s leading customers a proactive approach to UC remediation of the underlying issues
365/Skype for tech innovators by CRN®. The 2015
network management.”
are integral elements to successfully 
CRN Tech Innovator Awards recognizes Nectar provides advanced UC
maintaining a UC environment,” said 
Business Online standout companies that have brought software solutions that o er the
David Giangano, CEO of Nectar. “UCMP 
to market hardware, software or services best in comprehensive monitoring, allows our partners to o er best-in-
which have substantially impacted the management, and diagnostics to class Skype for Business support to
industry. In compiling the Tech Innovator enhance application performance and their customers and we are excited to 
list, a panel of CRN editors evaluated
end-to-end visibility across the UC receive this recognition from CRN for our 
Yealink, the global leading uni ed 200 products across 19 categories network. Nectar is a quali ed Microsoft solution.”
communication (UC) terminal solution provider, based on a number of factors, including IT Pro Tools Partner under the Skype
“In this rapidly evolving tech 
announced that the company’s desktop phone technical advances, unique features and for Business Program, a Microsoft
marketplace, it’s critical that vendors are 
portfolio for Microso  Skype for Business Online ability to empower solution providers to Depth Partner under the Microsoft bringing products to the channel that 
as part of O ce 365 is in the  nal phase of solve end-users’ IT challenges. Nectar’s Software De ned Networking (SDN) API help solution providers quickly deliver 
development and is planned to launch in the  rst Uni ed Communications Management program and a Microsoft Gold Partner. value to their customers,” said Robert 
quarter of 2016.
Platform (UCMP) took top honors in the Nectar’s UCMP solution integrates
Falter, CEO of The Channel Company. 
As a certi ed Microso  Gold Communications Networking for Voice, Data, and Uni ed with the Microsoft SDN API and when “The products chosen for this year’s Tech 
Competency Hardware Partner, Yealink works Communications category.
combined with the unique capabilities Innovator Awards are solving di cult
closely with Microso  to deliver a phone portfolio “There are a host of moving pieces of Nectar’s UC Diagnostics (UCD) module IT problems, reducing complexity or 
with e ortless deployment, easy usage and when it comes to providing managed provides managed service providers otherwise contributing to the growth of 
minimal learning costs. Yealink’s phones for services for a UC environment
and enterprises unprecedented insight enterprises worldwide.”
Microso  O ce 365, including the T40P, T41P, including network health analyses, and visibility for Skype for Business The annual Tech Innovator Awards 
T42G, T46G, T48G, and more, feature HD voice, implementation, monitoring and performance. In addition to rapid issue are showcased in the December issue 
a Modern Skype for Business interface and rich management,” said John Dusek, UC identi cation, isolation and resolution, of CRN magazine, and the complete list 
phone functions.  e model choices cover users Practice Director at Emergent Networks. Nectar is able to provide enhanced of winners and honorable mentions is 
from executives to receptionists and from SMBs “With Nectar, we are able to ensure that
reporting and trending across the Skype
available at
to large enterprises.
“Microso  announced today the launch of the 
new Skype for Business Online Services as part 
of O ce 365,” said Stone Lu, Vice President of ILEXIA Certi es 
Yealink. “We are excited that Yealink phones several IP PBX vendors active in (SIP authentication).
will become one of the  rst quali ed phones for the Microso  Skype for Business Load testing: + signaling audio
the new solution,” he added. “Our philosophy is Patton E-SBCs for market, as well as SIP Trunks (with sounds of long references). 
to give every user of O ce 365 the feeling of a from a French telecom operator.
Tests of SBC functions:
tailor-made endpoint that integrates with their Interoperability with Designed for small and SIP messages handling
work ows and help increase productivity.”
medium enterprises, SmartNode and processing, DTMF 
Yealink’s desktop phones portfolio for Skype for Microsoft Skype for VoIP equipment from Patton transformation, SIP processing 
Business Online Solutions o ers:
o ers innovative businesses- mechanisms (re-INVITE vs 
Synchronized user experience with minimal class solutions for managing
REFER example) RTP proxy, 
learning costs
the transition to All-IP security (authentication, user 
Skype for Business users will  nd familiar communications infrastructure.
role), debug.
iconography and operation  ows akin to Skype Industry-renowned for With integrated IP-router and 
for Business.  e  agship model T48G’s 7-inch stability, reliability, and high-reliability SmartNode VoIP- 
touchscreen displays photos and communication interoperability, SmartNode gateway functionality built in, Patton announced that the IP- costs while o ering advanced 
status of contacts from the synchronized E-SBCs help companies reduce Patton’s E-SBCs deliver superior telephony solutions engineering communication features that 
risks and ensure success when price-performance for business-  rm, Ilexia, has certi ed enhance workforce productivity.
Optimized functionality
implementing SIP trunking and class IP telephony and UC.
SmartNode enterprise session  e certi cation test plan was 
Yealink phone portfolio will support the Skype uni ed communications.
Moreover, SmartNode E-SBCs border controllers (E-SBCs) for designed by Ilexia and conducted 
for Business cloud PBX service as part of O ce Ilexia’s validation program o er classic TDM telephony interoperability with the Microso  in its independent validation lab.
365 a er completing certi cation process.  e included the following tests:
interfaces (PRI, BRI, FXS, FXO) Skype for Business uni ed Focused on typical architectures 
comprehensive phone functions when used Testing and validation of the SIP that allow businesses to IP- communications (UC) platform.
among French clients, Ilexia 
with Skype for Business Server include SFB and RTP stack (G.729, G.711): enable their existing legacy voice By enabling secure, reliable validated two SmartNode
conferencing, Boss/Admin, Common Area Basic call transfer, conference, call equipment and provide PSTN SIP-trunk connections for E-SBC models for seamless 
Phone, Always Online, Dial Plan and support
waiting, forwarding, private SIP connectivity for voice and data uni ed-communications, interoperability in several end-to- 
headers, masking number, timer survivability.
SmartNode E-SBCs from Patton end systems.
session, timer recording, security
More at
help companies reduce telephony
Test-system elements included

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