Page 3 - Telecom Reseller March April 2014
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Enterprise Connect 2014—A look back
VoIP offers
solutions for 
By Alan D. Percy, Senior Director of ed some first-hand insight into the process security enforcement in the hands of their 
business disaster recovery
W Marketing, Audio Codes
of transforming organizations to utilize uni- service provider - they manage their fire- 
hat an amazing week - Enterprise fied communications. Microsoft’s keynote walls, so why wouldn’t they manage their 
Connect always leaves you session was standing room only. UC is now SIP security with an SBC? It did seem that By Nicholas Haug, Director of Marketing at VirtualPBX: 
wishing you had more time and
a “when” discussion for CIOs.
the audience understood the difference and
more stamina. After a brief chat with Fred What caught me off-guard was the con- challenges by the end of the session.
hether it is snow, a hurricane, 
Knight, the event co-chair, he indicated tinued strong interest in SIP Trunking - I As expected the WebRTC sessions drew tornado, or an earthquake, bad
that the event was on-track for being the thought by now the topic would have a huge audience, but after talking to some weather can be debilitating to
best attended yet. Based on my un-scien- run-its-course and interest would be wan- attendees, it seems most are in the “what business owners. However, with VoIP 
tific measurement (trying to find a parking ing. Two of the sessions I participated in the heck is WebRTC?” mode. Few if any phone system disaster recovery, owners 
spot), I have to agree. The show floor was on the topic were very well attended and enterprise buyers at the event have a good can get back to business after any type 
larger than ever, there were more sessions both ran over their time-slot with Q/A. It grasp of what to do with it yet, and few of of massive weather-related failure. Phone 
and virtually all of them were very well seems that there is still a lot of education their vendors have solid offerings yet. It system disaster recovery allows companies 
on SIP, SBCs, interoperability and real- seems like some early education (good), to resume live dialogue with clients even if 
As noted in last week’s Enterprise world issues with SIP Trunking. I suspect driving future RFIs and buying decisions their place of business remains closed. Plus, 
Connect 2014 pre-view article, I expected part of the issue is that the service provid- that will be made over the next few years.
now that VoIP is embracing mobile apps, 
to see and hear plenty of content about ers are trying to make SIP Trunking simple An now for some fun...I’m not sure users can easily integrate features such as a smartphone address book, making mobile 
Unified Communications - I was not disap- for them to deploy (good), but they do so by leaving security and QoE management why, but the Enterprise Connect Sandcastle construction was fascinating for me - I VoIP more convenient than ever – espe- 
pointed. The Living with Lync sessions put as an exercise “left to the reader”. I can’t found myself checking on it a couple times
cially when disaster strikes.
on by Kevin Kieller and the case study ses- imagine a mid-sized business leaving their
sions drew a sizable attendance and provid-
See PERCY page 19
See HAUG, page 15

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