Page 2 - 3CX Drill Down Spring 2014 Final
P. 2
First Quarter 2014
2 Telecom Reseller
WebRTC and the future
months. The clientless WebRTC is the dif-
The onsite IP PBX market is becoming ferent angle that is needed to make business
The fact that I could install 100% software based, eliminating not only communications easier, more affordable
Continued from page 1
proprietary legacy PBX but also appliance and more efficient.
the 3CX Phone System on the the constant demand to innovate within the based PBXs. Larger customers want their IT There is a move towards mobility - end-
existing Windows Server was industry. The culture within 3CX is one department to be able to manage the IP PBX. users want to be able to use their office
a great advantage. Rather that focuses on our partners and on their They want to leverage existing Windows extension from anywhere. Companies need
then buy a “black box“,
customers’ everyday needs. The focus is infrastructure as well as their Hyper V or to provide this and they need it to be easy
I could leverage my Windows on developing an easy to use, affordable, VMware virtualization infrastructure.
to accomplish and deliver their employees a reliable solution. This is where software
feature packed Unified Communications solution. The team focuses on the customer, In terms of WebRTC, it will play a big role based PBX plays its trump card and how
skills to administer the phone whether a partner or an end-user, and both for Web Conferencing as well as regular partners can get companies to replace their
system & greatly reduce the ensures that their needs are satisfied.
telephone calls. 3CX has commenced devel- old style, outdated legacy PBX.
administration time of the This allows resellers to feel confident opment in these areas and will be launching
that they are selling customers modern and WebRTC support in the coming months.
3CX and its partners
competitive IP PBX software and ensures 3CX business priorities
3CX plans to aggressively build out our
happy customers. 3CX is a 100% channel The goal is to make sure 3CX remains partner channel. We want to do this through
company with a culture of ‘easy to do busi- easy to deploy and manage and make sell- our distributors. 3CX will work with our dis-
/ Stefan Pfender,
ness with’. It supports its partners by offer- ing 3CX more profitable for our resellers. tributors in expanding our partner channel,
CEO of The Maierl Hotel
ing free training, free technical support, and 3CX Phone System version 12 is a major helping them train resellers to sell and install
easy pricing and purchasing procedures. step forward in the IP PBX industry.
3CX. The goal is to double our partner chan-
This helps resellers deploy the products 3CX is launching a web conferencing nel worldwide in the next 2 years.%
more easily and more profitably.
add on, based on WebRTC, in the coming
For more visit
Continued from page 1
IP PBX must run on a mainstream
It’s important that resellers deploy a
PBX that runs on a mainstream OS such
as Windows or Linux. If Linux, it must be
a properly supported distribution organiza-
tion such as Red Hat or Ubuntu. Relying Hardware Fulfillment for VoIP Resellers and Service Providers
on a custom distribution often bundled with
appliance based PBX’s is dangerous. These
custom distributions are often not updated
when new security vulnerabilities become
known and will leave the customer vulner-
able to attack. These attacks can potentially
not only affect the IP PBX itself, but can
be used to launch attacks on the IP data
Ensure the customer understands
their OS
Following security related bulletins and
applying security updates can be time con- suming. It is important that resellers help
customers choose the right IP PBX that
fits into their IT infrastructure. Ensure that
the operating system that the customer
deploys is one the customer knows how to
use. If the customer runs Linux throughout
his organization, choose a Linux based IP
PBX. If the customer relies on Windows,
ensure it’s a windows based IP PBX.
Choose a PBX vendor that is dedi-
cated to security
Attention VoIP Resellers
The actual IP PBX software must be
secured as well. As a reseller, it’s impor- Valued 888VoIP Channel Partners enjoy:
tant to advise the customer to choose an IP
PBX that is able to address security issues
swiftly and can push out updates to custom- • Wholesale Pricing • Inventory Management • Technical Support
ers rapidly. Furthermore, resellers should • Exclusive Specials • Automated Ordering • Device Provisioning
ensure that end-users run the latest version of the IP PBX software.
• Lead Generation
• Blind Shipping • RMA Services
A final note of warning against
Partnering for Success
IP PBX appliances lull users into a false
sense of security. They are a black box with
a custom version of Linux. Configuration A Complete VoIP Solution expands your service offerings and opens new
changes, particularly if using a non-stan-
dard Linux, make it less secure. When a markets, maximizing your profit on each installation while increasing
vulnerability occurs, the hardware com- customer satisfaction by addressing more user demands.
pany often doesn’t update the OS. These
are the systems that then get hacked.
Administrators want to get away from
black boxes and take back control. The IP
PBX should be another server application,
which can be run on the same servers and
with the same network management tools
that are presently in use. Resellers should
be advising customers to choose the right
IP PBX for their customer’s network that
will automatically reduce security risks
from the outset, not as an afterthought. %