Page 8 - AvayaExtra Spring 2016
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8 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya
1st Quarter 2016

Three Key Service Trends to vendors, requiring strong relationships and customer premise model. Using these services Avaya Recognized by TSIA for 
Watch in 2016
mastery of the infrastructure implications which can enable the IT organization to maximize Achieving Operational Best 
includes the Cloud applications, as well as the their impact on the business while minimizing 
continued from page 1...
network and desktop/mobile devices which served technical ramp time
Practice Certiication 
Greater  an 50% of Support Coming via continued from page 3....
 e majority of businesses want to leverage Unassisted Support and Self-Healing Systems 
Here are the three predictions that we believe a  exible delivery model to achieve growth in Means Di erentiation Is Now About Relationships
will be attracting the attention of our clients.
modular steps that help IT maximize ROI and As leading-edge vendors are putting more 
80%+ of enterprises will use Public cloud, but support rapid business scaling
remediation and proactivity into tools and customer support at the channel, center, region, 
Hybrid/Private cloud will remain the critical As systems grow in complexity both in features systems, the value-add of contracted support and global level.  e TSIA Rated Outstanding 
application workhorse for next 5 years.
and size, IT managers are looking for a  exible becomes less-visible to the customer. Vendors will certi cation is designed to target recognition 
Going to Cloud has many bene ts, but it
service delivery model that can quickly grow have to develop strategies and underlying system within a single area of strength, such as a single 
can also lead to some new challenges that when and where it’s needed in modular steps. intelligence to improve customer experience with support operation location and/or a speci c 
businesses need to consider. As solutions move  ey are looking for a balance which honors o ers that help increase adoption and full value mode of support.
from homogenous, monolithic technology to business continuity, control, expense/capital realization. As well, vendors will need to  ght As a result of their completion of the 
heterogeneous technology running on layers management and integration.  is need leads to against the depersonalization increased technical Operational Best Practices program, Avaya has 
upon layers of cloud infrastructure, customers the use of models such as consulting services, sta  solutions can drive by working intentionally to achieved the TSIA Rated Outstanding, Assisted 
get increasingly concerned about Cloud security augmentation, project-based services, managed maintain the human factors of the service event by Support North America Certi cation for 
and accountability for service delivery/support services and Cloud services options. Several
implementing things such as relationship-based delivering excellence across all signi cant modes 
of the full solution. Customers will demand of these models can provide the  exibility and routing and service deliverables combined with of technical support. Certi cation recognizes 
accountability and value from their “point”
bene ts of a cloud deployment in a traditional
high-satisfaction channels, most notably, video.
that Avaya support people, processes and 
technologies will help customers get the most 
from their technology investment. Achieving 
certi cation meant that Avaya had to meet over 
165 best practices criteria developed by TSIA, 
receive validation by 50 leading technology 
companies, and pass a rigorous onsite audit 
conducted by seasoned service executives
who con rmed the company’s commitment to 
excellence in service operations.
“We are proud to honor Avaya for completing 
the Rated Outstanding Assisted Support 
certi cation process. Our Operational
Best Practices certi cation programs are a 
comprehensive way for organizations to measure 
their ability to support customers from the 
people, process, and technology perspective,
and at the same time establish themselves as an 
industry leader in Assisted Technical Support. 
By receiving this certi cation, Avaya has not 
only demonstrated a willingness to test their 
capabilities against a rigorous process, but they 
have done so on behalf of a company-wide 
dedication to customer satisfaction.” -- Tom 
Pridham, senior vice president of Major 
Membership Development and Organizational 
Development Services for TSIA
“We are proud to be TSIA Rated Outstanding, 
as it’s a re ection of the hard work and 
dedication of Avaya’s support organization. We 
are pleased that customers can purchase Avaya 
products with con dence knowing that the 
highest industry support standards are met and 
are backed by outstanding quality a er-sales 
telephone, online case, and email operations 
support.” -- Mike Runda, senior vice president, 
Avaya Client Services
More information on TSIA’s Operational 
Best Practices programs can be found at www. 
More at



The Newsource 
● UCaaS
● Collaboration UB
● Mobility

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