Page 7 - Avaya Extra Q2 2015
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2nd Quarter 2015
Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya 7

Avaya Receives “Best Use of an Emerging Channel” IT, Corporate Strategy and others integral to app, allowing customers to chat, talk or video 
delivering results.
with an Avaya agent using their mobile device.”
Accolade from ICMI Global Contact Center Awards
Submissions were judged by an ICMI 
he results of the program have been stellar:
committee of industry experts from all facets of 
● 85% of customers use the web to initiate contact center operations - including specialists 
■ Avaya Global Support Services recognized Channel” Award from ICMI #cctr http://bit. their personalized service experience
in technology, training and people management, 
for its omni-channel support program, including ly/1KkN2FR
● 73% reduction in phone call volume since workforce and resource management, and 
automated chat, talk, voice and video
Avaya was recognized for its three-year Q4 2010
quality. Entries were scored on how candidate 
implementation of a comprehensive omni- ● 46,000+ resolutions found each month contact centers and professionals embrace and 
■ Employee-driven program featuring Avaya channel support ecosystem. Web access to without an agent
embody ICMI’s principles of efective contact 
developed technology leads to quicker issue traditional Support Request support models
● 85% of issues identiied via chats resolved center management whether they create a 
resolution and rising CSAT scores
is integrated with a virtual assistant, chat, web within one hour
positive work culture and a climate that fosters 
based VoIP and leading-edge video experience personal growth, and their track record for 
Santa Clara, Calif. - May 21, 2015 – Avaya today announced that it won “Best Use of
with full inter-channel continuity that provides one comprehensive experience for all support “We are very proud to be recognized by ICMI for the Best Use of an Emerging Channel within establishing and attaining challenging goals within their organization.
an Emerging Channel” award for its Global needs. Behind this tool is the ability for agents our Global Support Services organization,”
Support Services’ use of omni-channel to work from any channel, and for worklow and said Mike Runda, senior vice president and ICMI Global Contact Center Awards
support, including Automated Chat (Ava), resource management to support all channels, president of Avaya Client Services. “I’d like to he ICMI Global Contact Center Awards 
Talk, Voice and Video, from the ICMI Global processes, and operational conditioning for web, thank our customers who trust us to support Program is the most comprehensive
Contact Center Awards Program, the most including swarming capabilities.
their mission-critical communications and our awards program dedicated to the customer 
comprehensive awards program dedicated to In 2012, Avaya’s award-wining program was employees who deliver amazing omni-channel management industry. hey are designed to 
the customer management industry.
conceptualized, designed and driven by the support every day. We look forward to seeing honor and recognize the companies, contact 
Click to Tweet: @Avaya Global Support Global Support Services organization with our CSAT scores this summer ater we launch centers and individuals that provide a platform 
Services Receives “Best Use of an Emerging
strong support from executive leadership,
our omni-channel capabilities to our mobile
for leadership, vision, innovation and strategic

Avaya Expands and Extends Video Solutions Portfolio 
natural, less disruptive means of meeting across 
Read Blog: Bob Romano, director, Video to Increase Productivity and Team Engagement
Marketing on he Top 5 New Capabilities We’re 
Announcing Today in Avaya Scopia Video 
Conferencing at
Video everywhere is now a business
he solutions add new capabilities to one of
SLIDESHARE: Avaya Video Everywhere at 
Additions and enhancements to Avaya Team Engagement Solutions portfolio include:
reality enabling organizations to increase productivity and deepen team and customer the most comprehensive end user portfolios
on the market to better accommodate the full
According to IDC, the barriers to acceptance 
Video Conferencing Room Systems - he relationships through the power of face-to-face spectrum of employee work styles and preferences. of video in the business environment have 
new, lagship Avaya Scopia XT7100 room video communications. To help enterprise employees Enhancements to the Scopia Videoconferencing diminished, especially as video becomes
conferencing system now supports H.265 video more deeply engage with colleagues and Platform and the introduction of the new H175 an integrated application for improved 
coding -- allowing the most eicient use of customers, Avaya today announced new Team Video Collaboration Station and E159/E169 communications and collaboration.1 Avaya’s 
bandwidth available today. he system supports Engagement Solutions, making it easier and Media Stations support lexible video connectivity integrated approach to Team Engagement 
video quality up to 1080P at 60fps with up to
more afordable to extend high quality video to from the device of choice, allowing seamless Solutions enables richer, more productive 
more employees and more devices in nearly any transitions from BYOD and mobile working to interactions with both customers and teams while 
continues on page 8 ››
personal desktop to full room conferencing.
allowing the technology to ‘disappear,’ for a more

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