Page 22 - Telecom Reseller Janaury February 2014
P. 22

January/February 2014 22
Telecom Reseller
Designed for your Contact Center, 

Inspired by your Customers
browser (V.26 and higher).
Give the new WebRTC client a try: LINDENBAUM 
Please allow using your microphone
Continued from page 11
after starting the demo. You need a headset numbers, and all these participants can be ThinConnect MultiChannel Single, Unified, browser based 
connected to your computer. A demo of the in the same conference call.
Contact Center is what makes Cloud Ready Application
Flash client will soon be available. %
Up to this point a smart phone user had your customers’ interaction 
For more visit
to dial into a standard PSTN or mobile personalized, intelligent and CTI
dial in number and use its smart phone as warm, no matter how they 
a regular phone. Now opening a browser Email, Chat, SMS,
window on their mobile is enough – redi- choose to contact you. 
rection to the conference system is auto- Empower your agents with a Social Media
matically done.
unified solution that allows 
Using the mobile Internet connectivity, seamless multichannel Predictive Dialer
Continued from page 11
when being in the office, at home or in a inbound and outbound 
accomplished by many users – thus elimi- hot spot on the run may well be without communication. Ask us how Voice and Web Callback 
nating a potentially large portion of the any extra charge. Therefore telephone dial some of the worlds’ largest 
integration investment required in a tradi- up charges will fall away.
companies are benefiting Multichannel Surveys 
tional contact center environment.
The client even considers potential fire- from this solution.
Multichannel Case Management 
This isn’t to say that contact center plat- walls when using the WebRTC client from 
form developers are going the way of the within a company WiFi / LAN environment IVR Auto Dialer
dinosaur. It only means that developers can and copes with that challenge.
deliver twice the function in half the time. The WebRTC client is being developed Unified Multichannel Reporting
It makes for a less expensive solution in the as an integral part of the Lindenbaum con- 
end, with greater margins for the dealer. ferencing system and can be later integrated 
The business gets a customized, stream- into other existing user interfaces of con- CRM Connectors for Oracle, 
lined solution for a smaller price tag—with ferencing systems. The improvement has Salesforce, Microsoft, Sugar CRM
less complex deployment—requiring a been implemented in WebRTC, a new and 
lower level of ongoing training and techni- innovative framework for real-time com- 
cal support. And with all of that extra time munication on the Internet:
on their hands, there is no telling what new Lindenbaum relies on innovative, open 
innovation will come out of those creative standards like WebRTC (Web Real-Time 
development shops.
Communication), so that the VoIP telepho- 
With the burden of integration costs and ny via browser is possible without plug-ins 
time removed from the contact center equa- or similar. WebRTC enables a high-quality 
tion, the business owners are the big win- real-time communication in the browser USA +1-510-795-7645
ners. They’ll realize enhanced ease-of-use, based on HTML5 and JavaScript APIs, Netherlands
quicker speed-to-market, reduced costs, so the latest W3C compliant standards. India
and increased accessibility. So while you’re The WebRTC initiative is still at an early 
contemplating your solution’s ROI, don’t stage of development and is supported by 
forget to consider the value of reduced COI Google, Mozilla and Opera. So far, the cli- 
as well. WebRTC can make it happen. %
ent works only in the latest Google Chrome

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