Page 26 - Telecom Reseller Janaury February 2014
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January/February 2014
Telecom Reseller

ing. Respondents said they would spend 12 percent said they would purchase a hosting 2013 and included 450 respondents from 
percent of their 2014 cloud budget on web service.
North America. Respondents are among 
hosting solutions.
Among those planning to purchase a the more than 4 million IT professionals in 
Continued from page 6
Managed services get a fair share managed service, IT professionals will Spiceworks and represent a variety of com- 
respectively. These IT professionals will of 2014 IT budgets
spend an average of 17 percent of their pany sizes including small-to-medium busi- 
spend an average of 19 percent of their Of the IT professionals who plan to managed services budget on storage/back- nesses as well as enterprises. Respondents 
hardware budget on servers and 13 percent purchase managed services in 2014, 53 up/archiving services. Of those, 36 per- come from a variety of industries includ- 
on networking equipment.
percent said they would purchase connec- cent will invest in a new storage/backup/ ing manufacturing, healthcare, non-profits, 
Software investments account for nearly tivity/bandwidth services, 49 percent cited archiving service this year.
education, government, IT service provid- ers and finance. 
one-third of annual IT budget
When asked what software IT profes- storage/backup/archiving services, and 47
sionals were planning to purchase in 2014, The survey was conducted in November
For more visit
60 percent said they expect to purchase 
operating systems and productivity suites 
for end-user environments. Fifty percent of 
respondents are planning to purchase virtu- 
alization solutions and 49 percent expect to 
buy security software.
IT professionals will spend an average 
of 22 percent of their 2014 software bud- 
get on productivity suites, 21 percent on 
operating systems, 15 percent on virtualiza- 
tion solutions and 13 percent on security 
Among the IT professionals planning to 
purchase virtualization, productivity, oper- 
ating system, security or database software 
solutions in 2014, an overwhelming major- 
ity will upgrade or maintain existing appli- 
cations. However, among those purchasing 
new software in 2014, virtualization leads 
the way with 39 percent of IT professionals 
choosing to purchase a new offering.
Cloud services budgets focused on 
existing services
As expected, the overwhelming majority 
of IT professionals planning to invest in a 
cloud solution will continue to purchase an 
existing service. However, 32 percent expect HELPING YOU GET THERE. GREATAMERICA.
to purchase a new cloud-based productivity 
suite and 31 percent are planning to deploy a 
new online backup/recovery solution.
When asked which cloud services IT 
professionals are planning to purchase in 
2014, 49 percent said web hosting, 44 
percent highlighted email hosting and 38 
percent said they would be purchasing an 
online backup/recovery product.
Among those planning to purchase a 
cloud service in 2014, IT professionals 
said they would spend an average of 15 
percent of their cloud budget on online backup/recovery products and email host-
GreatAmerica is committed to helping you achieve greater 
success by providing financing solutions and complementary 

business services.

Continued from page 25
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Continue the conversation with your comments or sug- 
gestions - Alan can be reached via email at alan.percy@ or on Twitter @AlanDPercy

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