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P. 4
Statement from U.S. Sen. Patty Murray
on the tragedy in Orlando
by Sen. Patty Murray
a vote on common-sense xes that would
Special to the SGN
help keep guns out of the hands of terror-
ists and expand background checks.
The June 12th attack in Orlando was a But the reality is, we need more than
terrible act of violence and terror against votes. We need action on gun violence to
LGBTQ and Latino Americans. The nally address what is truly a critical is-
tragic loss of 49 lives, and the injuries sue for families in Washington state and
so many others endured, are only made across the country.
worse by the fact this shooting occurred As we look forward, there is much
in a space meant to provide community more we need to do – not just to disarm
and acceptance to the LGBTQ communi- the awful hate we saw in Orlando – but to
ty in Orlando.
come together to ensure LGBTQ Ameri-
But the strength of the LGBTQ com- cans can live and love openly, without fear
munity and its allies has never been more of discrimination or violence. While we
clear to me. In the hours following the have seen some incredible victories for
attack, we saw lines wrapped around the love and equality in recent years, the hor-
block at blood banks, pride ags proudly ri c act that was committed in Orlando
waving from our state capitol, and thou- has cast the need for further progress in a
sands attending vigils in Washington new, urgent light – the struggle continues
state, Florida, and across the country.
to ght intolerance, hate, and ignorance.
As far as we’ve come, there is so much I was proud to see so many commu-
work to be done.
nities react with love and not fear. Now
Congress must do the same-and one im- I will keep working to promote
portant way we can do this is by taking LGBTQ rights, and continue to push for
action against gun violence.
policies that help ensure all people, re-
gardless of who they are or who they love, That’s why last week, I stood with Sen.
are treated equally and with respect, in- Chris Murphy (D-CT) and my fellow
cluding passing the Equality Act. During Democrats to make it crystal clear that
this Pride week, I want all LGBTQ Wash- we’ve had enough.
ingtonians to know that I am with you – After more than 14 straight hours of
and I will never stop ghting for you in stories about how gun violence has affect-
the U.S. Senate.
ed so many communities, I was encour-
aged Republicans agreed to at least hold
4 Seattle Gay News
June 24, 2016
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