Page 365 - R.S. OWENS - 2016 Catalogue
P. 365
The Berliner is constructed with layers of optical crystal combining its classic shape with clean, modern lines to create a sparkling, contemporary display of time.
Item Size BeLIner Optical crystal with gold-tone accents
320.19 7 1⁄4" x 6 1⁄4" x 2 1⁄2"
Prices include one side deep etch. Deep etch set-up: $80.00(C) For personalizations and additional imprint options see pgs. 371-372. Gift boxed. Visit for up to date
pricing and product availability.
1-4 5-11 12-24 25+
1 1⁄4" x 3 1⁄2"
6.25 lbs
355.00 346.10 334.00 319.00 4C
R.S. Owens celebrating 77 years of inspiring achievement.
CloCks & Gifts