Page 7 - Prestige Glass 2016
P. 7

If you already have a speci c design in mind or a general notion - a theme to incorporate or a logo to form the nucleus of the piece - we’ll develop that concept fully, quickly and attractively. But, if you don’t have a clear picture of what you’d like, no problem: our team of professionals will generate some ideas to “get the ball rolling”.
 “We need a Team of the Year award for a major industrial company.”
“It would be great if we could turn this into an annual award program.”
“We de nitely need our client’s logo to be included on the piece.”
“What do you think of interlocking gears as the main feature?”
“Can we maybe try to give it a 3-D look?”
“We need an award suitable for a desktop so perhaps on a base?”
“It’s meant to be a prestigious award so perhaps something gold colored?”
For example, here is a recent client request...

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