Page 59 - Kanata
P. 59
LEAD TIME: 7 to 10 working days for quantities up to 600 pcs. For higher quantities, please call for best production MINIMUM ORDER: 24 pcs. SET-UP CHARGES: $ 41.18 (h). Repeat set-up charges: $23.53 (h) RUNNING CHARGES: Catalog pricing includes lasering in one location for size up to 5” high and 5” wide. Forlaseringinadditionallocations,pleasecallforpricing. ADDITIONALRUNNINGCHARGESFORLASERINGLESSTHAN8”HAND8”W: Dependentonproduct, additional charges apply as the following: Euro Throw (page 27), Premium Fleece (page 35), TEK Explorer (page 39) : please add $4.71 (h) to all quantities. Micro ber (page 43) please add $5.53 (h) to all quantities. Keepsake Gift Boxes (page 50) please add $3.18 (h) to all quantities. Executive & Antique Wood Boxes (page 51) please add $4.18 (h) to all quantities. ART CHARGES: Billed per hour - $40.00 (k) minimum E-MAIL PROOFS: A at rate of $5.00 (k) will be applied to all orders that do not require a pre-production sample. LESS THAN MINIMUM: An additional fee of $117.65 (h) applies, in addition to Minimum Quantity Price for product and above set-up charges SPECULATIVESAMPLECHARGE: RegularSet-upandRunningchargesplusProductcostatMinimumQuantityPrice(24pcs)
LEAD TIME: 5 working days on quantities up to 300 pcs. 7 to 10 working days for quantities up to 600 pcs. For higher quantities, please call for best production. MINIMUM ORDER: 24 pcs. PATCH COLORS: Red, Tan, Gray, Chocolate, Ecru and Champagne SET-UP CHARGES: $ 41.18 (h). Repeat set-up charges are not applicable. RUNNING CHARGES: Running charges include patch, lasering and application. Pricing shown in catalog includes run charge for 2” x 3” rectangle patch on all quantities. OPTIONAL PATCH SIZES: 3” x 4” rectangle or 3” x 4” oval patch are also available and may be recommended based on logo in order to show detail and t art. ADDITIONAL RUNNING CHARGES APPLICABLE: For 3” x 4” patches: $1.18 (h) per patch for all quantities. Additional location - charges will apply. Please contact customer service for details. ART CHARGES: Billed per hour - $40.00 (k) minimum E-MAIL PROOFS: A at rate of $5.00 (k) will be applied to all orders that do not require a pre-production sample. LESS THAN MINIMUM: An additional fee of $117.65 (h) applies, in addition to Minimum Quantity Price for product and above set-up charges SPECULATIVE SAMPLE CHARGE: Regular Set-up and Running charges plus Product cost at Minimum Quantity Price (24 pcs)
LEAD TIME: 5 working days on quantities up to 300 pcs. 7 to 10 working days for quantities up to 600 pcs. For higher quantities, please call for best production. MINIMUM ORDER: 24 pcs. PATCH COLORS: Red, Black, Tan, Gray, Chocolate, Ecru and Champagne PATCH SIZES AVAILABLE: 2” x 3” rectangle or 3” x 4” rectangle RUNNINGCHARGES: For2”x3”patch:Add$2.65(h)toproductpriceforpatchembroideredupto8,000stitches.For3”x4”patch:Add$3.23(h)toproduct priceforpatchembroideredupto8,000stitches. ADDITIONALINFO.ANDCHARGES: AdditionalStitches-$0.25(h)-additional1,000stitchesabovethe rst8,000. Additional Location - charges will apply. Please call customer service for details. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF THREAD COLORS: 9 color maximum on all quantities. COLORMATCHINGCHARGES: Kanatawillmatchcolorascloseaspossiblewithavailablethreads.Exactcolormatchingmaybeavailableforanadditionalcharge. Orders shipping from Blaine, WA 98230 use Sulky Gunold thread. Orders shipping from Abbeville, SC 29620 use Robinson Anton thread. SET-UP & DIGITIZING CHARGES: Digitizing Fee - $88.24 (h); Editing Fee - $25.88 (h) per edit; Approximately 95% of all supplied digitized les require editing LESS THAN MINIMUM: An additional fee
of $117.65 (h) applies, in addition to Minimum Quantity Price for product and above set-up charges SPECULATIVE SAMPLE CHARGE: Digitizing fee and the cost of production at Minimum Quantity Price (24 pcs)
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