Page 41 - Faraway Frieds
P. 41

Much had already been accomplished preparing for this venture. The funds to purchase the materials being loaded on the van came from the States. A lay pastor who served the mountain community had worked hard to supply names and sizes of the chil- dren who would receive the clothing already bagged and tagged with each recipient’s name. Large sacks of rice, with containers of cooking oil, were pur- chased and packed for the trip.
It was still early morning as the three-vehicle car- avan made its way through city streets and began the ascent up the mountain. Dad and the two girls were last in line. Brittany came prepared with her emergency inhaler in the pocket of her heavy jack- et. A mild asthmatic condition ruled out mountain climbing in Colorado. She hoped the excursion in Nepal would not exceed the heights where she could breathe comfortably.
From where she sat behind Brittany in the jeep, Mary Catherine put her hands on her sister’s shoul- ders. They had joined in with everyone in prayer before they set out, but prayer also seemed like a good option as they went slowly, ever upward along winding, narrow roads, avoiding potholes and un- protected drop-off edges. What a relief when they reached the settlement! How sad to realize that most of the homes had been flattened, and residents had moved to makeshift tents lined up at a distance.

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