Page 7 - TAKE ONE
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Ron Fry recently gave a presentation of his adventures exploring his family
tree. Take-One thought this exercise would translate well into print- media, so we asked him if he would write down his experiences.
How far back was I able to trace the “Fry” name? I started with the family bible presented to Daniel Henry Fry on his marriage in 1845, by his mother Elizabeth Fry. (It came to me as the eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son of Francis Wilfred Fry) That provided all the names and birthdates of children from Daniel’s family down to my grandfather’s generation. As Elizabeth Fry was famous as a prison reformer, there are numerous books about her, and considerable information about her husband, Joseph Fry 1777-1861 and his family connections. Next came a book “Katharine Fry’s Book” – Katherine was the eldest child of Elizabeth Fry – which contained a family tree outline back to William Fry 1627-1694 of Sutton Benger , Wiltshire
I then came across a magazine – “Family History”, (Jan 1997 )which had an article on the Fry family, including a Tree which went back to John Frye. His son,John Frye was born in 1500, coming down to include Joseph Fry and Elizabeth Fry -nee Gurney. That Tree also showed that Joseph Fry