Page 8 - Builder Brief December 2021 Issue
P. 8

It’s hard to believe that December is here, and Christmas is right around the corner. As we wrap up the year, I want to share a few of my favorite events and our accomplishments for 2021.
It seems like yesterday I was sworn in as your 2021 President. I have learned a lot this year leading the Association and being involved with the Texas Association of Builders (TAB) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). We had a strong Rally Day and presence in Austin this Legislative Session. I had the opportunity to testify before the Urban Affairs Committee at the Texas Capitol and meet face-to-face with several Congressmen from our District over the past few months to discuss issues facing our industry.
We have had our share of challenges in the legislative and regulatory arenas,butwefacedeachoneheadon. GovernmentAffairsandAdvocacy continues to be one of our primary focuses. I want to personally thank the key leaders and members that have been involved with our Government Affairs initiatives and served on a City Team. GSABA covers a lot of ground in our 22-county territory. We continue to work diligently to connect with our elected officials on the local, state, and national levels. This is critical and together we must work to continue to engage our incumbents more and elect pro-housing candidates in Washington, state-wide and locally.
With the pandemic lingering, the revenue events that we host every year have never been more critical to the financial health and well-being of GSABA. I want to thank each Committee Chair, Committee Member and Volunteer for your time and investment in making each of our events in 2021 successful. The men and women who chaired our committees, councils and the GSABA staff did an outstanding job. Several of our key events exceeded our revenue budgets this year and we have you to thank for it.
GSABA hosted the 17th Military Luncheon for 200 Air Force Cadets led by Bryan Lee, Building Believers and Agora Ministries. This luncheon is my favorite GSABA event of the year. It’s is inspiring to see so many of our members come together to make this event happen for our enlisted women and men.
I want to thank Colby Duke and Hotchkiss Insurance for donating 48 turkeys and the GSABA members who showed up at 5:00 am to help Colby cook the turkeys. Thank you to the Board of Directors and GSABA members who made financial contributions. While several members made significant contributions, I would like to recognize Kelly Parrish-Walker and Parrish Companies for their donation to the gift sacks each year.
Thank you to Frans Kroon and the Home Team Pest Control team for donating the groceries to include 100 pounds of potatoes, Delayna Kessler and the Sales & Marketing Council members for providing the desserts and for every volunteer who came to help set up, cheer on the troops, serve the Thanksgiving feast, and clean up.
One of the best ways we can show gratitude is throughourowngenerosity. ThisMilitaryLuncheon for the Troops allows GSABA members to do just that. When I was at the luncheon on Friday, November 19th, I saw firsthand the generosity of our community, and it never ceases to amaze me!
We hope to see you at the GALA and Awards Banquet on Thursday, December 9th at 6:00 pm at the Security Service Federal Credit Union Event Center. We will install GSABA’s 2022 Leadership Team and honor those who have truly made a difference this past year.
I want to thank you for the honor to serve as your 2021 President. I have pledged to our Incoming President, Mike Sowry, that I am not going anywhere. I volunteered to chair our 3PAC event next year because I have seen first-hand how important it is to be involved in the political arena this year.
The holidays offer a necessary pause from the challenges of everyday life and a chance to reflect on the moments big and small that make life special. As I look back on 2021, I am very grateful for each of you and for the opportunity to have served as the President of our Association this last year.

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