Page 16 - Builder Brief March 2024
P. 16

The Greater San Antonio Education Foundation (GSAEF) is seeking a GSABA Builder Member to partner with us on the 2024 Scholar Home
  The Greater San Antonio Builders Association (GSABA) established the Greater San Antonio Education Foundation (GSAEF) over twenty (20) years ago to provide scholarships to people from all walks of life seeking a career in the construction trades. This year, we are seeking a GSABA Builder Member who would champion this home with GSABA.
Dozens of members will donate to this home, which will benefit students currently studying at one of the colleges that GSABA has established a National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Student Chapter.
We work on a daily, weekly, monthly basis with our students and college programs, making a difference with our GSABA job shadowing programs, student chapter mentors, education events, membership networking and more.
We are grateful to have long term committed leaders like Scholar Home Chair Shad Schmid and GSAEF Chairwoman Kelly Parrish Walker. Kelly has chaired and invested in the Education Foundation and individual chapters by speaking to female students during Women in Construction Week on campus. She regularly attends NAHB Student Chapter meetings, speaks at special events, and helps award
scholarships to deserving students.
Long time Trustees John Friesenhahn, Mike Hollaway and George McNair also invest their time and talent and each of these men have all made a difference over the years championing the program, raising funds and providing leadership to the Education Foundation.
Call Kristi Sutterfield to find out how you can partner with GSAEF and other GSABA Members to make this home a reality and provide thousands of dollars in scholarships to those seeking careers in the building trades.

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