Page 16 - 2023 Parade Style Magazine
P. 16
Beat the Heat
of the Summer
Color-coded conservation levels help control energy use
The summer of 2022 was the second-hottest on record in San Antonio. We experienced above-average tempera- tures on all but five days during May, June, and July. When it’s hot outside, energy use increases as air conditioners run more to keep homes and people cool.
High energy usage can also result in high energy bills and strain the statewide electric grid during peak energy de- mand. Peak demand happens during the summer, as high temperatures drive electricity use to power air conditioning, large appliances, and business systems – typically in the afternoon during the work week.
CPS Energy developed color-coded Energy Conservation Levels to help customers use simple conservation tips to conserve energy and control energy use. Four color-coded energy conservation levels guide customers to use simple tips aligned with the anticipated demand for energy.
CPS Energy communicates the conservation level daily
through its website, social media, electronic billboard mes- sages, and various other public outreach efforts.
Most days are Green Days and call for everyday conserva- tion. If additional conservation is needed during peak energy demand, CPS Energy will declare a Yellow Day and ask the community to conserve more. Orange or Red Alerts will only be issued if ERCOT, the statewide grid manager, declares grid reliability is at risk.
Throughout the upcoming summer, CPS Energy will again communicate simple tips customers can use to Beat the Heat, conserve energy, and help avoid high bills. The utility will also share information about bill assistance resources, safety, and more topics of importance to the community.
Visit to see today’s energy conservation level, learn more about the conservation levels and alerts, and find tips to save energy and money.