Page 13 - file:///Users/danieljankowski/Documents/FlipBuilder/mobile/index.html#p=24
P. 13
• According to several current stylebooks, chairperson and spokesperson should not be used in regular text unless the gender of the individual is not known.
• Use chairman or spokesman when referring to a man or the of ce in general; chairwoman or spokeswoman if referring to a woman. However, many people prefer chairman in all cases. Find out an individual’s preference and use that. Alternatives include coordinator, leader, presider, presiding of cer, modera- tor, head, or chair (not widely acceptable).
A few more words
• Try to nd alternatives to make words gender neutral. Here are some examples.
Mrs., Miss, Ms. or Mr.
• Since many rst names are used for both men and women, it’s sometimes dif cult to know the gender of the addressee. If that’s the case, do not include a social title. It’s better to leave it off than to offend the individual.
• Use Ms. if the woman’s social title preference or marital status is not known. If referring to two or more women and their marital status is not known, the plural of Ms. is Mses. (preferred) or Mss.
• If the individual has a professional or academic title, it should be used in place of a social title.
manpower mankind
workman’s compensation workmanlike one-man-show
forefathers middleman
right-hand-man man-to-man
alumnae, alumni
cafeteria ladies assistants
men and girls man-sized job
personnel, work force, staff, human resources
humanity, humankind, humans, human beings, people, we, us, society
handmade, manufactured, constructed, machine-made, built by hand, hand-built
worker’s compensation
ef cient, skillful
one-person-show, solo show, one-artist show
intermediary, contact, agent, go-between
chief assistant
one-to-one, one-on-one, person-to-person
graduates, alums school lunchroom
men and women, women and men
big job, enormous job
Dear Dr. Blackburn
Dear Sen. Rubio
• When addressing a person not known, Dear Sir or Madam or Dear Madam and Sir is permissible.
• Gentlemen, which is the common plural for Dear Sir, can be balanced with Dear Gentlemen and Ladies. For a completely gender-neutral variation, To Whom It May Concern can be used.
• Another solution when writing to an unknown person or group of people is to use the title of the job, group or company.
Dear Registrar
Dear Apple Computer
Dear Commissioners