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P. 21
Here are some acronyms and abbreviations that are used in our school system.
American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
American Association of Educational Service Agencies
AECT Association for Educational Communications and Technology
AERA American Educational Research Association
AEYC Association for Education of Young Children
AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children
AFT American Federation of Teachers AHEA American Home
Economics Association
AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
AHS Astronaut High School AIDS Acquired Immune
De ciency Syndrome
ALA American Library Association
AIAA American Industrial Arts Association
AMA American Management Association
AMECD Association for Measurement and Evaluation for Counseling
and Development
AP Advanced placement Assistant Principal
APA American Psychological Association
APE Adapted physical education ASBO Association of School
Business Of cials
ASCD Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASHA American Speech and Hearing Association
AV Audio/visual
AVA American Vocational Association
BAEOP Brevard Association of Educational Of ce Professionals
BASA Brevard Association of School Administrators
BCA Brevard Cultural Alliance
BCC Brevard Community College
BCSB Brevard County School Board
BEES Bureau of Education for Exceptional Students
BFT Brevard Federation of Teachers BHS Bayside High School
BPS Brevard Public Schools
BSF Brevard Schools Foundation
CBJSHS Cocoa Beach Junior/Senior High School
• Omit periods between capital letters.
• Spell out names that would not be easily recognized by the reader.
• Put the acronym that will be used in succeeding references in parentheses following the name only if the acronym would not be clear to the reader.
• Remember that not everyone is familiar with education-related acronyms. If you are writing for non-educators, it would be best to spell out the name in the rst reference with the acronym
in parentheses.
The Parent-Teacher Association is sponsoring the workshop. All PTA members are invited. (PTA is easily recognized as the acronym for Parent-Teacher Association; therefore, (PTA) is unnecessary following the spelled-out name.)
AAHPERD American Association for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
AACD American Association for Counseling and Development
AAMD American Association on Mental De ciency
AAPT American Association of Physics Teachers
AARP American Association of Retired Persons
AASA American Association of School Administrators
AASL American Association of School Librarians
AASPA American Association of School Personnel Administrators
ABE Adult basic education ACDA American Choral Directors
ACS American Chemical Society
ACT American College Testing Program
ADA American Dental Association
American Dietetic Association Americans with Disabilities Act