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Title: School-Connect
*CASEL vetted Promising Program
Description: School-Connect is a lesson-based approach to SEL that also promotes students' social and emotional development through teaching practices. While the program is designed for students in grades nine through twelve, some middle schools also use this program to help students prepare for high school. Lessons are usually implemented during advisory or freshman seminar, although they can be adapted and used in multiple settings.
School-Connect has four modules with 20 lessons each. Modules include: Creating a Supportive Learning Community, Developing Self-Awareness and Self-Management, Building Relationships and Resolving Conflicts, and Preparing for College and Workforce. Each lesson is designed to reflect the "ABC's of Learning," which School-Connect defines as "autonomy," "belonging," and "competence." In practice, this means that there are multiple opportunities in most lessons for students to engage actively with the material and one another. School-Connect also provides guidance around student-led discussions and other strategies for student- centered engagement. Every lesson includes an opener, essential questions, wrap-up, and opportunities for reflection.
All lessons have "lesson extensions" that range from brief follow-up activities to "literature links," writing prompts, and research projects. These, along with the opportunities for reflection found in each lesson, are designed to reinforce, apply, and generalize aspects of the lesson beyond the classroom and into students' school, home, and community.
For further information, go to: Target Audience: 9-12
District Support: not currently available

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