Page 16 - NACC – 2018 Yearbook
P. 16

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DEPUTY CHAIR GARY NICHOLL Gary works for Hobart UK as regional sales manager for its warewashing and food preparation equipment in Scotland and North England.
SECRETARY DAVID NISBET David works for Hobart UK as regional sales manager for its Cooking Solutions division, responsible for Scotland and North England.
CHAIR DAVID BARKER David is managing director for Berkeley Care Management Ltd, a provider of prime cooked and frozen Meals on Wheels and catering supplier for dining clubs, residential care and NHS establishments. He’s responsible for the day-to-day operations through to big picture strategy.
DEPUTY CHAIR NICK DUTTON As operations manager at Primrose Bank Care Home, Nick oversees the management of the care home, from coordinating care and HR to leading the catering operation and project managing a large extension.
SECRETARY ANITA CARTHEW Anita is the business development director for Inhouse Manager, providers of catering software and procurement specialists, and is responsible for the day-to-day running ofthebusinessand thedeliveryofthestrategyforfuturegrowth.
CHAIR PRESTON WALKER Preston is director of Oak House Residential Home and a chef consultant specialising in healthcare. He’s responsible for overseeing the catering provision at Oak House and providing guidance around special diets.
DEPUTY CHAIR SIMON PARRY As sales manager at BBCS Limited Commercial Catering Equipment Engineers, Simon has responsibility for the sales of service contracts and catering equipment.
SECRETARY CAROL TUCK Carol is a national account manager at Aimia Foods Ltd. She looks after the day-to-day account management and is responsible for developing cost sector accounts, including care, education, hospitals, Ministry of Justice and the MOD.
CHAIR MARK TAYLOR As foodservice customer controller for Premier Foods, Mark and his team are tasked with growing the branded business within all business sectors in the foodservice industry. Mark’s personal focus is to provide innovative and speci c solutions to caterers within the health and care sectors.
DEPUTY CHAIR CATHY AMOS Cathy is senior sector marketing manager for Brakes, working in the catering sector, contract catering and facilities management. She oversees a team of development chefs and marketing managers that support customers’ businesses with insight, new trends and product development.
SECRETARY VIVIEN ROSE Vivien is the service manager – community services, day opportunities and lunch clubs for the London Borough of Redbridge, Community Health and Adult Social Care. Vivien oversees the day-to-day management of these services.
CHAIR GARY FORD Gary is the executive head chef at St Monica Trust, where he oversees the catering operation at Cote Lane for up to 300 customers each day, as well as the care home catering provision within the trust.
DEPUTY CHAIR EMMA CHANNON As community meals and earlyinterventionmanagerwithNorthSomersetCouncil, Emma has lead responsibility for community meals, dementia day services andastaffcanteen. EmmaalsoleadsAdultSocialCarearound nutritional strategies for older adults.
CHAIR PAULINE BATTY Pauline works for Monmouthshire County Council as its catering manager responsible for Monmouthshire Meals and school catering. She also works in an advisory capacity for residential care and for all other departments that supply catering within the authority.
DEPUTY CHAIR KATHRYN (KATE) STEPHENS Kathryn is a registered home manager for Bupa UK Nursing & Residential Service, with a responsibility for the safe delivery of nursing and care services, including nutritional and dietary needs.
SECRETARY GARETH THOMAS Gareth is regional sales manager and development chef for Rational UK. His varied role includes sales and support, demonstrations and working with customers.

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