Page 37 - NACC – 2018 Yearbook
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For Meals on Wheels Week 2017, Hertfordshire Independent Living Service (HILS) hosted 24 high-pro le visitors at its four sites across the county and successfully raised awareness of the importance of the essential service, leaving a positive, lasting impression on them all.
“It’s been fantastic and gave me such an insight; I’ve met some
very appreciative residents who really value the service that HILS is providing for them. It really is such a fantastic service; you always hear statistics about Hertfordshire being a brilliant place to live, and then you find out about gems like this and you know why!”
Cllr David Williams, Acting Leader of Hertfordshire County Council
“Thank you so much for a really interesting day. You are at the core of a very real and growing issue across the country and it was really valuable to be able to see something of it all.”
Will Hobhouse, High Sheri of Hertfordshire
“It certainly is much more than a Meals on Wheels service and all the customers were so appreciative. Many thanks and thank you all for the great job you do for some of our most vulnerable residents.”
Cllr Brenda Batten, Deputy Mayor for Hertsmere
Crucially, HILS made sure they shouted about their Meals on Wheels Week activities through various platforms, including social media, its website, press releases and
the Hertfordshire County Council blog. Using the hashtags #MealsonWheels and #NationalMOW, its Twitter and Facebook reach, engagement and likes increased drastically as fun facts and stats were shared, images of its VIP guests on their rounds were posted, and the story of ‘A
day the life of a cottage pie’ was told.
In previous years, VIP on Wheels has proven a highly-successful way of spotlighting the value of the Meals on Wheels service to the public. When NACC members invited local celebrities, dignitaries and VIPs to join them on a Meals on Wheels delivery and see first hand how it improves lives nutritionally, socially and emotionally, it caught the eye of the local press. This, in turn, raised public awareness locally. In fact, it’s had such a positive impact that we’re bringing it back for 2018!
The more people that get involved with VIP Meals on Wheels, the bigger the impact we make. So, get in touch with your local VIPs – this could be directors of adult social care, MPs, local celebrities, local media, re chiefs, hospitals directors, mayors – there are so many options! Let us know who’s joining you and when, so we can also share your story with fellow members, the press and on social media.
And don’t forget, when you tweet out your VIP on Wheels pictures tag us @nacccatercare so we can retweet, and use the hashtag #SupportMealsOnWheels
Top left: Councillor Carol Crump with driver Claire at Ware
Top right: Cllr David Williams with HILS client, Margaret
Above right: Cllr David Collins, Mayor of Dacorum, went out in Berkhamstead with Caroline
Above left: East Herts massive
Whatever you have planned to celebrate Meals on Wheels Week 2018, we want to know. Please share your plans with us by 12 October so we can get the word out!