Page 61 - NACC – 2018 Yearbook
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An all-day pizzeria and restaurant, B Block boasts authentic wood- red pizzas, quality co ee and local produce.
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the venue transforms seamlessly from a co ee spot serving breakfast and authentic pizzas by day, to a stylish restaurant by night.
Developed by catering development manager, Adrian Kirikmaa, the venue also bene tted from Josh Eggleton’s input. B Block serves top-quality local co ee and breakfast featuring freshly-made smoothies, pastries and breads. Lunch includes a variety of authentic wood- red pizzaswithdoughmadefromlocalorganic our,salads, atbreadandpaninis. Comedinner, diners can choose from a selection of starters and a variety of locally-sourced, seasonal meat, sh and vegetarian dishes; accompanied by an array of wines, gins, local ciders and craft beers.
As well as creating delicious menus for Somer, Gareth Cartledge and his team use their culinary talents and knowledge of care catering to create appealing, nutritious and appropriate menus for the residents of Charterhouse Care Home.
Charterhouse’s residents have a wide range of needs, ranging from dementia and respite to palliative care, and the team ensures every dietary and dining requirement is catered for so that mealtimes are a positive and uplifting experience for all.
And, of course, the Somer and B Block restaurants also provide an excellent dining choice for residents and their visiting relatives and friends.
It’s not just The Chocolate Quarter community that enjoys quality dining. The culinary team deliver freshly-cooked meals to the local school daily and make sure the builders working on the refurbishment project are fully fuelled.
Above: Discover exceptional dining experiences at Somer and B Block
St Monica Trust’s
catering development
manager, Adrian
Kirikmaa, has been
instrumental in bringing
the dining experience
at The Chocolate Quarter to life. Previously at City of Bristol College, where he managed the restaurants, cafés and networking events, Adrian’s expertise was brought in to turn a vision into a reality.
“We had the vision of what we wanted
to achieve, and we’ve done it. We wanted to change the traditional model of retirement living and care and bring it to the heart
of the community, and we have. What we imagined has come to fruition and we’re very proud to have created a community hub that has given the Keynsham area a big boost. ‘Inter-generational’ is the buzz word and that’s what The Chocolate Quarter is.
It brings the whole community together fromtheyoungtotheold. Wealsowantto contribute, and we do this through projects that o er work experience for young people that may have gone o -track and those with learning di culties.
“Gareth Cartledge has played a huge
part in developing The Chocolate Quarter’s fantastic food and drink o er. It’s great to see him doing so well and as a team we’ll keep moving this model forward.”
Exceptional dining
Food and drink at The Chocolate Quarter is all about quality, choice and value. Whether you’re dining in the pizzeria, restaurant or at Charterhouse Care Home, a team of talented, award-winning chefs is behind each menu and you can be sure that dishes are always cooked from scratch, using locally-sourced ingredients wherever possible.