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                                           n film, image is everything and the speed with which filmmakers can get their hands on what they have toiled long and hard over is almost as important - which really puts the urgency into
the ‘rushes’. Delivering on that need is a big part of what Soho Images does.
As part of the Ascent Media Group, the Meard Street-based company oper- ates out of a deceptively large facility in the heart of Soho. The name and the location are not intertwined by chance either, as Managing Director Paul Collard believes that the position they occupy in the capital is a major contributor to the position they occu- py in the industry.
“We’re the only laboratory in cen- tral London,” he explains, “so we’re right at the heart of the post produc- tion community. We service an incredi- bly prolific industry right on our doorstep. If you take the commercials market alone, most of the editors are a stone’s throw away from us and collect their rushes personally each morning.
“We try to be very flexible in terms of responding to their needs, often providing turnarounds which others just aren’t able to do because of the physical travel involved. So our posi- tion is a key element in the strength of our business.”
That is, always has been, one of the advantages of the UK industry’s more compact layout. Even now, with high speed connections and digital net-
works, the importance of being ‘local’ to just about all your clients is a signifi- cant asset.
“It is part of the Soho culture that the teams are quite close knit,” adds Collard. “Having a runner grab- bing a firewire disk or a tape and going between two buildings is still one of the quickest ways to get what you need.”
While they might work on some of the biggest feature films, like Troy and Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban, the range of clients that Soho Images works with is impressive- ly varied. Among some of their more recent Fujifilm credits are Garth Marenghi, The Young Visiters, Eroica, American Cousins and Last Of The Summer Wine.
continued over
  Photos l-r: Scenes from Troy, Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban, Garth Marenghi and Eroica; Soho Images Managing Director Paul Collard
Fuji Motion Picture And Professional Video • Exposure • 13

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