Page 5 - 67_PBC to Begg Addendum_31-10-16 (24pp)
P. 5

This is total fantasy as the copy emails following this lunch (below) would evidence (and yet further establish Mrs Hillgarth’s lack of credibility and honesty and yet again, memory or imagination.)
My “thank you email” of 30 June 2011 following lunch....
She should have added the other relevant part to this email from me on 14 October 2013 timed at 18:21:
Dearest Michele - many, many thanks for a lovely lunch - most grateful and very welcome at my age...! Glad we had a look around Mitre House and we both agree totally on what needs to be done - eventually...I'll call you (text sms) on Juillet 14 (vive la Revolution....! Off with their heads - let them eat bread - Christine Lagarde for President ... of everywhere - she's lovely, reminds me of you) -
Amazingly, in the post downstairs when we came in, was a letter to each flat from Allsops re: the Auction - here's your Flat 5 copy which I opened to save posting on.... hope you don't mind)
I'll follow up with getting more details - again thanks so much a lovely lunch, Paul x
and Mrs Hillgarth’s immediate reply on 30 June 2011:
Dear Paul
It was a great pleasure to have lunch with you and try to plan what we should be the future of Mitre House. Yes I agree apart from you and I the only things people can do is complain and do nothing.
I do not intend to waste my time with people who cannot see further than there nose ..... Life offer more ..
Yes become an optimist for your future life
Speak to you soon and glad you have opened my mail
With best wishes
Does that sound like our lunch included “I told him that if this was his view I was not interested in buying the head lease. He subsequently realised he had gone too far and backed off.”
(para 7)_Mrs Hillgarth carefully leaves out the real relevance of this email of 14 October 2013
Looking at my emails from that time I now see clearly that in buying the head lease it had always been his intention to make money for himself. In an e-mail to me dated 14 October 2013 timed at 18:21 he wrote: "You are very strange - here's me trying my best to save you money by utilizing our facilities and abilities ... or at least mine, to best advantage. Were you to tell me you had an idea to make me money {doubt I'd complain too much .... so long as we continued living apart! Note carefully our name, Mitre House Management Limited .... it's true that it was formed, as a legal entity and requirement, to purchase our Mitre House head lease but that doesn't restrict us from purchas- ing a hundred head leases and managing those blocks - think of the money we could be making if we were all pulling together .... "
You are an integral part of Mitre House Management Limited - not Flats 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9 - they have nothing to do with it, or it's fortunes or its running. But you do have, or at least until you bizarrely decided to throw your passions and privacy in with them, so totally alienating yourself from your company, Mitre House Management Limited and all its prospects.
You really must make up your mind which you want to be part of as you cannot be party to both ourselves and your fellow complainers any more.
When you came to my flat to discuss various items, most notably the various lighting options, just before the meeting of 13 July, you agreed with me (I thought) that we at Mitre House Management Limited would decide how Mitre House would be decorated, not outsiders and certainly not people who'd only been in the building 18 months or even less. You agreed with me that black lift doors (which Flat 9 wanted) were not wanted. You liked the Tiffany lighting as opposed to Brass Lanterns - you even liked, as I certainly did the initial Christopher Wren/Peter Jones lighting I originally purchased - but Flat 9 called them cheap looking!!!) I think I could also have persuaded you that the whole place should be different, unique, arty-farty and not pseudo Sloane Ranger, bland and boring.....
But for some extraordinary reason you immediately that same evening started canvassing other Flats, namely Flats 4 and 8 with totally opposing views as those discussed with me? This resulted in chaos at your 13 July meeting, with me accused of fiddling the vote and then all the subsequent mayhem, quotes for £60,000 etc etc and a total 100% breakdown in relationships and worse still schedules - the summer was totally wasted with a vicious winter about to start by all accounts.
God knows how all this now gets sorted, but I do know how I'm sorting it - or indeed have! All the best of British Luck though - Paul

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