Page 7 - Sonoma County Gazette 6-20
P. 7

   OPINION: A Message from Peacetown
By Jim Corbett
The message from Peacetown is, “Together, let’s build a better world”. This Covid virus has proved at least two things.
FIRST of all, we are ONE connected Being in this world, from Wuhan,
China to Milan, Italy, to New York City, and to Sonoma County, CA. SECONDLY, we have learned a beautiful lesson, ‘we CAN work together for
the good of all’. It is so wonderful to see most everyone being considerate of one another, by wearing their masks in public places, and for smiling at each other under those masks. A smile which says, “Let’s go with the flow, we’re all in this together”.
So the idea of Peacetown is to create a community that cooperates for the good of all. A group of individuals that is KIND, and caring for others. Kindness is a built in quality of humans, which often gets wash over by cynicism as we age, but seems to come to the forefront in times of disaster.
Not only the doctors and nurses on the frontlines of the virus, but ordinary folks have followed the guidelines, pretty well, just because they consider their neighbors health and their own.
This is called EMPATHY, which is also an inborn trait of humans. We have also seen that when we are ordered to take time and isolate within ourselves, we can get a lot done. Clean the garage, sort through pictures and papers, take walks in nature, spend quality time with family. What a concept!
So as we reconstitute this society and in particular our community we can do it by creating a virtual Peacetown. The concept is simple: a person becomes a Citizen of Peacetown when they understand and declare that they are a Citizen of Peacetown.
The first Principle of Peace is: “Peace already exists within each individual as his/her natural state of Being”. That Peace within you is always waiting for you to make that declaration. You many not always live in that place 24/7, but that’s okay. As long as you know where to look for peace, you can declare your Citizenship.
After declaring your Citizenship in Peacetown, your responsibility is to get two peace loving friends to declare their Citizenship. That should not be a difficult task, because like attracts like, peace attracts peace, kindness attracts more kindness. You already know two friends you can begin your pyramid with in this Multi-Level Marketing Plan for Peace.
We know that a virus will spread exponentially, but so will Peace. One person that keeps doubling in size will bring over a million people after only 20 splits. Imagine just 1,000,000 people cooperating and pumping Peace into the world. We CAN do this. Woohoo!
Everyone is free to join Peacetown. There are no border walls or immigration laws, or monetary costs. But it does require the dedication to understanding the ‘Principles of Peace’ and living to the best of your ability the ‘Ways of Being in Peacetown’, which are not commandments but rather suggestions for vibrant, healthy living.
Be Kind. Create Beauty. Be Grateful.
These are things that you already do when you remember that you are Citizens of Peacetown.
Super News: The Peacetown Summer Concert Series will be airing virtually every Wednesday evening at 5, 6, and 7:00pm beginning on June 10th. Opening the Show will be The Pulsators and the Love Choir.
Be Happy.
So let’s do this together. Check out for all the “Principles of Peace”, and the “Ways of Being in Peacetown”. When we call out the best in one another, we bring out the best in ourselves. STRONGER TOGETHER!
See: for schedule.
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