Page 26 - Sonoma County Gazette July 2018
P. 26

Seniors Gear Up
for World Hockey Tournament
Snoopy’s Senior World Hockey Tournament July 6-15
Seventy teams from across the US and Canada will play 106 games at the unique, chalet-style ice arena over the 10 days. More than 1,100 ice hockey players, aged 40-96, will compete. Admission for spectators is free. For hockey fans the tournament offers a wealth of opportunities to see great on-ice action. Games will be played from 6am until after midnight all week long.
What hockey players say about the Snoopy Tournament:
The theme of World Oceans Day: preventing plastic pollution.
  “The most
important thing he
did for hockey was
to put on the Senior
World Hockey
Tournament. We
got to know hockey
players from all
over the world --
people who loved
hockey like we did
and loved to play
no matter how old
they were. Without
the Tournament we
would not have had
the opportunity to
know each other. We
stay in touch today
by the internet,
but back when we
started, it was just the Tournament and telephones.” - ROLAND THIBAULT, Long-time Friend and Coach of Sparky’s Diamond Icers
Annually, nearly nine million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans, the equivalent of dumping a rubbish truck full of plastic into the water every minute. Plastics use has increased 20-fold in the last 50 years; it’s expected to double again in the next 20 years. Globally only 14% of plastic is collected for recycling. Find great resources for preventing plastic pollution at
 Mark Sertich who is the Guinness Book of World Records --Oldest Hockey Player in the World, playing at 96 years old!
deals around.
• Take the Muir Woods shuttle—Marin Transit Route 66—on weekends all
Mark Sertich and his son. They actually play on the same team called The Continental 75’s in the 70+ division.
• July 1st Seattle will become the first US city to ban plastic straws and single-use plastic utensils.
“More importantly to hockey, Sparky provided one of the best senior hockey tournaments. We got to meet hockey players from the U.S., Canada, and other parts of the world. It was an incentive for me to keep playing hockey and to
Join Zero Wastes Sonoma’s “Sip it Sonoma” in riding Sonoma County of plastic straws. Over 500 million plastic straws are discarded daily in the US— that’s 175 billion straws a year. “Sip it Sonoma” promotes restaurants only giving straws if requested. Learn more at Zero Wastes Sonoma’s website.
Adult Hockey League starting August 2018
Snoopy’s Home Ice is located at 1667 W Steele Lane, Santa Rosa
Look for an article about it online at © Tish Levee, 2018
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be in the best possible shape to play when July rolled around. I’m sure that by having the Senior World Hockey Tournament, Sparky encouraged many players to continue to play the great game of hockey into later years so they could attend a wonderful tournament and gain hockey friendships from all over.” - MARK SERTICH, Guinness Book of World Records - Oldest Hockey Player in the World
For a list of Sonoma County restaurants and bars that don’t offer straws or use paper or compostable ones, see “The War on Straws Comes to Sonoma County” in a recent issue of Sonoma Magazine at the magazine’s website.
The good news—single use plastic bans are growing.
• On June 7th, Sea World announced that its 12 theme parks had removed all single-use plastic drinking straws and plastic bags, while Royal Caribbean committed to rid its 50 ship fleet of plastic drinking straws this year.
• The European Union just announced it wants to ban ten different single use plastic items, including plastic straws and cutlery, making up 70% of all litter in the water and on the beaches of the EU.
• India plans to eliminate all single-use plastics by 2022—a real game changer for the planet; its population is 1.3 billion. In March the Indian state of Karnataka enacted such a ban; nearly 43 tons of illegal plastics were seized in four months in the capital.
• Ikea will ban all single-use plastic products from its shops and restaurants by 2020.With annual sales of over $24 billion, Ikea operates in 41 countries.
• Last month, San Francisco joined Los Angeles and Portland in banning styrofoam.
• Kenya enacted the world’s most stringent plastic bag ban in August 2017. Anyone using, producing, or selling a plastic bag faces up to four years in jail, or a $38,000 fine.
Act locally to keep plastics out of the ocean.
 “While I was playing professionally I heard about Snoopy’s Senior World Hockey Tournament, but after I retired from hockey I had to wait a while to play – I wasn’t old enough.
I think my first tournament was about 2005, and I’ve played in nine tournaments over the years. Now I make a point to come and play, when work and other things permit... Charles Schulz created a place where there was hockey life after hockey,
for me and for many other players I’ve met. .... It reminds us that as
life moves on, we can still enjoy the game.” - TONY STILES, Former NHL Player, 43 years of tournament history
Vacation at Home. You can do a lot locally without a car.
Once again gas prices are rocketing up this summer, so it’s a good time to
SB 100—the 100% clean electricity bill is back.
Finally scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee, which snatched it from the floor of the Assembly last September, it will become law IF it gets out of Committee, as the Senate passed it last year. Phone Assembly and Senate leadership and Governor Brown, asking them to support a clean energy future for California, with 100% clean energy by 2045.
According to a March study in Science Advances, by 2100 land lost to
sea level rise and subsidence could be between 50 and 165 square miles, as compared to the 20 square miles that would be inundated by sea level rise alone. Half the runways at San Francisco Airport could be underwater by 2100. Groundwater extraction causes subsidence—parts of San Jose have sunk as much as 12 feet. Projections of sea level rise have increased dramatically since I attended the Rising Seas Summit in Boston in 2015.
Rising sea level in San Francisco is getting worse as land sinks.
“take a Sunday drive without a car.”
• Route 29—Sonoma County Transit’s weekend shuttle to the coast has
expanded service this year, from June 9th to Sept. 2nd. This is one of the best
year and weekdays till August 10th. Take Golden Gate transit to Marin City
and skip the car entirely.
• Explore another locality—Petaluma, Sonoma, the River, on Sonoma County
The 13th Annual Sustainable Enterprise Conference was June 22nd.

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