Page 32 - Sonoma County Gazette July 2018
P. 32

   Retaliation Ruining Roseland?
Election Effecting Santa Rosa & Voter Turnout Results:
Goat Ropers rolled through Roseland in the night and rustled out two
goats recently donated to the Bayer Farm project run by Land Paths. The organization is working with the low income neighborhood kids in Roseland to experience a bit of what nature and rural life was like here before the city of Santa Rosa started moving westward. About the same time the Goat Rustling was happening someone went on an arson binge and lit a series of small files in northeast Roseland according to reports by The Press Democrat of fires being lit in numerous areas of Roseland. The arsonist(s) and Goat Rustler(s) have
not been found, but the daily newspaper reported on Sunday June 17, 2018 the Goats were found, “tied to a fence more than a mile away near Hearn Ave. and Highway 101.”
Congratulations we have a new sheriff for Sonoma County, Mark Essick. This was a great race with several forums where hundreds of people got to personally meeting and talk with the candidates. Also effecting Santa Rosa,
Jim Gore will remain 4th District Supervisor, as well as another term for Representatives for 2nd District, Senator Mike McGuire and Member of the Assembly, Jim Wood. District Attorney, Jill Ravich was elected for her 3rd term and we have a new County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor, Deva Marie Proto. For additional results go
It went on to state Sonoma County fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins was glad because her family had donated the goats in the first place. Her husband Emmet Hopkins works with Land Paths, a largely taxpayer funded government organized, non-governmental organization (GONGO) helping with the community garden established at Bayer Farm before the farm house was demolished and a skateboard park installed. There is also a “commercial kitchen at the site and recently Roseland Review was able to talk with a businessman paying the city $20.00 an hour for the use of the facility to make a product he then sells. Though the park has been open for a year now the restrooms are not. Park visitors must use Porta-Potties, though there is a nice big one for handicapped visitors. Livestock rustling is still against the law in Sonoma County so if you see something suspicious happening in either city or county areas report this to authorities. Arson is also a major crime so PLEASE report anything like this you see occurring.
What was particularly frustrating to me about this election, was the voter turnout. According to the Sonoma County Register of Voters, Sonoma County had a voter turnout of 26% and the state only 22%. To me this is shameful. With so many issues that we are facing what this tells me is that folks are not aware of what it means to live in a Democracy or what is needed to maintain it.
Long time Roseland resident Tanya Moore on West Ave. told Roseland Review she felt, and had heard from other neighbors, the problem of the homeless people who have descended upon Roseland is ruining the neighborhoods. One local resident told Roseland Review they felt the city was pushing the homeless over into Roseland on purpose. This person feels the recent increase I criminal activity is because of the homeless people “Roaming the neighborhood at all hours of the night.” There was an assertion by this person saying because Roseland Review had written some strong opposition to the Redwood Gospel Mission moving a Homeless Shelter into the Roberts Ave. area there is now retaliation. This type of theorizing doesn’t have factual support yet and such rumors shouldn’t be believed. The homeless were originally brought over in late 2015 by Sonoma County employees who made the land behind the Dollar Store in Roseland Village Shopping Center available.
While at the Santa Rosa City Council meeting on June 5, to accept a Resolution of the Juneteenth Festival I found that the council has found itself caught in the middle of a controversy between wireless carriers seeking to deliver better wireless telephone and data services to the city and residents who worry about the aesthetic and possible health impacts of such equipment.
On Thursday June 14, 2018 during the last days of the Sonoma County Budget hearings for the fiscal year 2018-2019 there was a $500,000.00 allocation put aside for the temporary relocation of the Roseland Library now housed in the Dollar Store at the Roseland Village Shopping Center. Supervisor Hopkins has been making efforts to help keep the area clean and now has helped with the idea of keeping the library open while the building and development of the seven acre site is undertaken in the future. Danny Chaparro1 from the social Advocates for Youth organization has told me of his disappointment the county installed chain link fence at Roseland Village has also closed off the area where he and his organization had planned to have a youth summer soccer camp.
The training site was to be on the concrete floor pad of the old Lucky’s/Alpha Beta/ Albertson’s grocery store site. Perhaps city and county officials can work together to come up with adjusting the fencing to leave the concrete play area open for kids?
According to Council Woman Julie Combs, the council has concerns with both safety and aesthetics. “We want these to be on city property and right of ways where we can regulate them,“ she said. Combs strongly believes
it is important to keep them away from residential neighborhoods. Combs went on to explain that the city is open to having then use some of the city poles, however Verizon needs to prove that their ideas will work well with neighborhoods and home owners and if that happens she said, “We might consider it.” Excellent overview of the meeting by Kevin McCallum can be found in the Press Democrat. rosa-continues-pause-on
Crossroads housing project is now open at 841 Lianna Dr. where a Grand Opening was held Friday June 15, 2018 to welcome the occupants of the 79
unit affordable housing for low income families. Paseo Vista on Dutton Ave.
is moving forward as is the Village Station site on Boyd St. The city has also bought two more housing units at 1370 Burbank Ave. as of June 30, 2018. This increases the amount of structurally sound housing units the city owns in Roseland to four. There are three large houses, and one cottage, where the city could let up to ten low income Veterans reside using the Housing vouchers known as HUD-VASH. The city could get a fair rent and have caretakers on site of the now twenty acre Roseland Neighbor Wood and Nature Preserve.
There were 21 soccer leagues competing and Canada’s team the “Golden Cleats” took home the Gold Medal. Congratulations to Santa Rosa’s team, “Krush the Elder,” who after a strong game, led by their team captain, Collette Weber took second place with a silver medal. It was so exciting for me to hear about this as my daughter, Susan Jensen played on the Santa Rosa team.
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Elaine B. Holtz is co-producer /Host with Kenneth E. Norton of “Women’s Spaces” on KBBF 89.1FM Monday 11-12 noon & 11-12 midnight. Visit her website at: Become a Fan on Face book. The show is streaming on
I thought for the sake of this conversation to provide the Definition of Democracy by Merriam-Webster
1. A government by the people; especially : rule of the majority. b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. 2: A political unit that has a democratic government.
Small cell installations on city light poles put on hold:
After listening to an array of concerns from citizens and their health concerns, the council reaffirmed that they are unwilling to let Verizon Wireless install antennas and wireless equipment on city light poles, putting the carrier’s plans to boost network coverage in the city on hold indefinitely.
Sonoma Wine Country Games for participants 50+
The annual event’s mission statement is to encourage health activity and social engagement for anyone 50+ through education, connections, and the spirited competition of sport, inspiring all to take an active role in determining the quality of aging. This year the Celebration of Athletes event was held Saturday, June 9 from 6-9pm at the Epicenter in Santa Rosa. According to Leigh Galten—Sonoma Wine Country Games coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator for Council on Aging, over 1,100 people from across the USA and Canada competed in thirteen areas of sports which included soccer, table tennis. golf, pickle ball, lawn bowling, bowling, archery, badminton, volley ball, basketball, track and field, and tennis.
This is Gatlen’s 5th season and she is constantly overwhelmed about how kind and appreciative the athletes are and are so happy to have an opportunity to enjoy the sports they love. “I’m Amazed at the level of skill those who participate have,” she reports. For those interested the program takes place annually in June and there is a small fee of $50.00 which includes a tee shirt. For more information go to

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