Page 30 - Sonoma County gazette September 2018
P. 30

    Roseland Recovering?
The Roseland Village Teen Center has reopened for the rest of the year
at Roseland Library in Roseland Village Shopping Center. Run by Sonoma County Boys and Girls Club the Teen Center is for young people in grades 7 to 12. The center is open from 3 pm until 7 pm Monday through Friday, with
an earlier beginning on Wednesdays from 1:30 pm until 7 pm. The Roseland Library has been given confirmation they will be able to stay in the building
at 770 Sebastopol Rd. until at least February 2019. This is good news for many Roseland patrons of the library who have come to rely upon many services offered there. Workers there are unsung heroes in helping Roseland residents to overcome many adversities and disadvantages faced growing up and living in Roseland.
  A Voice in the Wilderness
There are other unsung heroes doing their part to help make Roseland a better place in spite of the careless and reckless transients rolling through the area all the time now. Recently a nice woman named Patty and her man friend were out on Burbank Ave. near Southwest Community Park picking up trash along the roadway as they walked along. They live up on Sunset Ave. so it was heartening to see them “taking care” of the neighborhood far from their home. Another unsung hero is a woman who lives in Bellevue Ranch neighborhood immediately south of Roseland, and next to Southwest Community Park, who picks up trash from a vacant lot on Burbank Ave. and Hearn Ave just north of the park. Another woman on West Ave. and South Ave. was cleaning the gutters out near the West Ave. Apartments because the city still has not had the “street sweeper” do it yet. Big Thanks to these nice people. Perhaps in the future the city will start to have the gutters cleaned well and the streets fully swept in Roseland.
by Rebel Fagin
On September 3, Labor Day, at 4 pm, Speaking of Palestine will debut on the
On Saturday October 27 at 10 am there will be a “Make a Difference Day” effort to clean up Roseland Creek, Roseland Neighbor Wood, and surrounding neighborhood areas in the center of Roseland. This is an event with support of the Hughes Ave. Neighborhood Association and the Burbank Ave. Neighborhood Association nearest the Roseland Neighbor Wood. There will also be folks working with the Community Action Partnership along
with Roseland Action and other groups. Please come out that day to help keep Roseland as nice and as clean as we can. This is really important now because the city is pushing homeless people back into the neighborhoods with the continuing sweeps of their camps elsewhere. Like a tube of toothpaste, those poor unfortunate folks are being squeezed back to where they have been before.
nation’s first bilingual public radio station, KBBF, 89.1 FM. The show will be hosted by members of the North Coast Coalition for Palestine. We are honored to being a part of the KBBF family. Speaking of Palestine will feature news and views concerning Palestine/Israel from facts that respect the Palestinian people. Although not unique, Speaking of Palestine is one of a handful of shows that does this.
US corporate media presents all issues concerning Palestine/Israel from a normative and overwhelmingly pro-Israel perspective. This is the result of
over fifty years of deliberate framing by pro-Israeli forces. Challenging these views risks being branded anti-Semitic or a self-hating Jew. This is a death knell for corporate broadcasters and publishers. For a democracy to function it is necessary for its citizens to be well informed. This is why a show like Speaking of Palestine is so important.
Alistair Bleifuss of the Santa Rosa City Creek Stewardship Program recently told the city Waterways Advisory Committee of how homeless people live in the creek beds and city storm drain systems until the first rains come. They leave belongings which then get washed into the creeks creating all kinds of problems. The rains may return early so Roseland needs to be ready. Please do your best to keep trash and litter out of our Roseland Creek watershed area.
Speaking of Palestine will air from 4 – 5 on the first Monday of every month. The debut show will feature an extensive interview with Linda Sartor who has recently returned from occupied Palestine. Some of the other shows will focus on the personal stories of the program’s hosts, the basics of the occupation of Palestine, the US role in Israel and the occupation, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, the Boycott Divestments and Sanctions Movement, Students for Justice in Palestine, the history of the “peace process” including the status of Jerusalem, Zionism and non-Zionist Jews, Bedouins, Gaza and the West Bank. Guest speakers are being invited to join in the discussions. Regular segments are planned on Palestine in the news, myth busting, basic facts, culture and cuisine. In the future we hope to present recordings from conferences and protests, live music, and feeds from sources such as the Electronic Intifada.
Recently the city took possession of property on Burbank Ave. which has two homes there. As the city was putting up boarding on the houses some expensive windows went missing. Some city staff now tell Roseland Review they believe a full set of top line Andersen Double Pane windows from two buildings may be missing. This will lead to some further research. It is hard to find accountability in regards to taxpayer owned property which goes missing. Roseland Review has tried to find out what happened to the Bowling equipment which was bought by the taxpayers when the Rose Bowl was purchased in 2011. No one seems to know, but we are still on the case.
Please listen to Speaking of Palestine from 4-5 on the first Monday of the month at listener sponsored KBBF, 89.1 FM.
While on that topic the Sonoma County Department of Community Development, which now holds title to the land in the name of the taxpayers, is in discussions to get the Roseland Village site into construction. Where the Rose Bowl was, now has been an eyesore for years. A blight on our community. The project has been delayed due to “permits” not being received regarding whether the site is considered “cleaned” of possible pollution at the site. The county is also working with a consultant group, Stantec, on administering the US EPA grant for Brownfields revitalization received in the past for other areas of Roseland. Unfortunately some of the same nefarious characters involved
in the Rose Bowl fiasco seem to be lurking in the current efforts going on. Roseland Review will keep you posted. We ask for “news tips” about Roseland.
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