Page 5 - Sonoma County Gazette May 2020
P. 5

Messages from Peacetown
So the question becomes, “When this all ends what can we do TOGETHER to make a positive impact on the whole world?” We have learned that when we cooperate we can accomplish anything.
By Jim Corbett
If we have learned anything from the Covid virus, it is that we are all
This is a good time for Peacetowns around the world to take up the
call for cooperation. The most important aspect of Peacetown is that, there are no leaders,no gurus, no hierarchy to send down marching orders, no depending on someone else to take charge; JUST US doing what needs to be done to promote the greater good for all. The ideal of Peacetown is a group of ordinary individuals creating beauty, loving their neighbors, building community and recognizing the Divinity in themselves and everyone and everything they see. I’ve noticed, when I do go out in public, that people are quieter, more conscious of others and polite. Even though we are all a bit
on edge, folks seem kinder, as we recognize that, indeed, we are all in this together.
in this together. From Wuhan, China to New York City; from Rome to Barcelona, to New Delhi, to the heart of Africa, this virus threatens us all. And it is wonderful that everyone, for the most part, is cooperating with the drastic measures needed to contain this deadly and contagious pandemic. We are seeing the positive effects of this cooperation.
This leads to the question: “If we can do this in a time of emergency, can we do it when we emerge from this danger?” Could we see that global warming is the same shared emergency? Clearly the Earth is telling us we need to adapt to repair the health of the planet. We did not listen to extreme fires and floods, so now this pandemic has come and MADE us shut down business as usual. Remarkably it is working very well. Not only is the self quarantine helping contain the virus, but it is also clearing up our skyways and waterways. Since the beginning of the isolation orders air quality is up 40%, fish have returned to the canals in Venice, folks in Beijing, China and Mumbai, India are seeing blue sky for the first time in forever.
So if the idea of a world where folks cooperate and collaborate appeals to you become a Citizen of Peacetown @ It’s ordinary folks searching for their own Inner Peace and joining with other ordinary folks to create beauty. It is FREE. There are no border walls, everyone is welcome to contribute their gifts.
Peace, Kindness and Love are all transmissible. Pass it on!
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