Page 6 - Sonoma County Gazette - January 2018
P. 6

UPDATE on Commercial Grows
in Residential Neighborhoods
OPINION: TRUMPOLINI - The Fall of Democracy
   After the December 6 th meeting of the Cannabis Advisory Group, members Brantly
Mussolini was no golfer, but he did spend time working hard in the wheat fields with the Faschi (i.e. wheat sheaves). The farm laborers who stacked wheat were called Facistie. Pretending to be the friend of the workingman, he called his movement the Fascist party to honor workers in the fields.
Richardson and Rich Gunderson co-authored the following summary of an update given to the Group by Code Enforcement at Permit Sonoma.
Mussolini’s taking over this honorable name for his movement dishonored the word and the name as the atrocities of the Axis set fire to the world and the truth. Trump is following in the footsteps of his mentor with his attack on the FBI and in the common decency. Why has he not met the well-deserved fate of the molester of Alabama?
Richardson and Gunderson were appointed to represent the neighborhoods on the 20-member group which will advise during the Phase II implementation of the ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2016.
This ordinance prohibits the cultivation of cannabis after January 1, 2018 in unincorporated areas of the County which are zoned RR, AR, and for AG parcels less than two acres. Code Enforcement has to date rec’d 507 cannabis complaints concerning parcels in RR and AR zones and has inspected approximately 300. So far 68 operations have shut down.
Trump is a self-described woman molester and yet he still struts his stuff after 13 woman have complained about him to no avail. His name-calling of Kim III is not helping him obtain any form of detent with North Korea. This moron should be impeached before he burns up the world with nuclear war.
After receiving a complaint, Code Enforcement sends a letter to the property owner informing them that the County has rec’d a complaint and asking to inspect the property. Most everyone complies with this request. Before visiting the property, the Code Enforcement officer contacts the person who filed the complaint to ascertain what to expect and whether it might
As a student of history and literature Trumpolini reminds me of the sans culottes of the French Revolution, those who murdered the King and Queen and most of all of the intellectuals and gentry, in other words The Rabble.
be dangerous. In some cases, the Code Enforcement officer will ask law enforcement to accompany them for the inspection.
Trumpolini has turned out to be Robin Hood in reverse. He robs the poor and gives loot to the rich. It took many years for the French to evolve their democracy. Now ours in on the wane.
If the owner of the parcel refuses to allow inspection, it is easier for Permit Sonoma to seek a “reasonable” warrant from a judge to force inspection than it would be for law enforcement. This is because it is considered a land use violation and not a criminal one per se.
We must impeach the Trump before he trumps us all and leaves us without our culottes, i.e.. that which cover all posterities. He must be removed.
By Anthony Adler
As I boy, I remember seeing newsreels of Mussolini giving speeches from his
balcony. His facial features and bombastic attitude I see mirrored by Donald Trump. He reeks of fascist tendencies with a vast ignorance of compassion and understanding.
Dump the Trump before he trumps humanity.
 Of the remaining 232 properties that have been inspected and remain in operation, none had serious health and safety issues nor were they in violation of any conditions (land use, building, water, septic, etc.) of their permits and could continue operations until January 1, 2018 providing they had also filed for the Penalty Relief extension.
Take note.......we have been here before
After January 1, 2018 the Code Enforcement officer will revisit the property to assure the grow is abated. Permit Sonoma is currently preparing letters for all known grow sites in AR or RR zones, requesting to schedule the close-out verification inspections in early January.
to danger. It works the same in any country.” ~ Hermann Goering, Commander of the Luftwaffe, said before being sentenced to death at Nuremberg.
The majority of the complaints have been valid and not frivolous.
“The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.... All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
~ Robert O Connor
  The properties inspected had been used for cultivation or were still being used for cultivation.
OPINION: Trump Tweets
Permit Sonoma has a total of 7 Code Enforcement officers and hopes to
have an 8th on board in January. No additional hiring is possible. None of the officers specialize in cannabis complaints, and all the officers handle a wide variety of complaints. Those complaints deemed to be of greatest importance receive priority. Complaints involving health and safety, environmental abuses or criminal activity move to the top of the list. Some of the other issues voiced by those who file a cannabis complaint are: smell, unsupervised children at the site, excessive traffic, perimeter pot fences and so on.
By Olivia Cottrell
President Trump’s preferred mode of communication with the world seems to
Submitted by Cannabis Advisory Group members Brantly Richardson nrchrdsn@sonic. net and Rich Gunderson
part of the country. The slew of shootings and natural disasters have taken a great deal of lives and left thousands of families stripped of their effects. After each disaster, President Trump took to Twitter to extend his thoughts and well- wishes to citizens affected by these tragedies. But, I believe taking a closer look at the distribution of these tweets reveals a chilling bias and a discrepancy in his political morals.
be through Twitter.
This year, Americans have dealt with horrific tragedies touching nearly every
• Hurricane Harvey: 28 tweets.
• Hurricane Irma: 14 tweets.
• Las Vegas shooting: 11 tweets.
• Northern and Southern California fires combined: 2 tweets. Looking at this information impels me to believe there’s a correlation
  between the political inclination of the state the tragedy occurred in and the amount of attention those affected receive on Twitter. Is President Trump deliberately showing more support to the citizens of states that support his political party?
After experiencing the terror of the North Bay fires this October, and witnessing the same thing happen to Southern California currently, it’s hard not to speculate why the President is staying so quiet.
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