Page 44 - Sonoma County Gazatte May 2017
P. 44

The two boats that decorated our shore on Bay Flat Road are gone – but now there is another one. For the two removed, apparently the state provided the money, but the county employees bid for and won the right to do the removal on their off time. Now THAT is ingenuity. They did an excellent, non-invasive job. John Hershey took some excellent pictures of the entire event. BUT now there is another boat bobbing with the tides.
There are raindrops on the decks and the sky is dark surrounding the large redwoods outside of my cozy cyber-hut. I have received reports of up to 170” from various Cazadero locales and am astounded by the sheer volume of rain that we have all received to date! The result is mixed:
It must be a province of age, but most of the events that I attend are funerals or memorials of some kind. One of the most touching and well designed to honor the deceased is the memorial Ren Brown put together for Robert De Vee. You could almost feel Robert’s presence as we walked around admiring the genius, which he showed in his varied and very excellent paintings. As Ren said, no one had any idea that he was doing such varied and prolific painting. It was exactly the kind of Memorial Robert would have wanted – excellent food, good friends remembering all the good times and everyone admiring all the wonderful work he had produced. If you are lucky some of the paintings may still be hanging in Ren Brown’s gallery. It was a wonderful tribute. If I am lucky, when I die they can go to the Grange Hall and have my columns mounted and people can say, “Oh yeah. I remember when that happened.”
yes, the water levels are up for all of us who rely on wells, but the hillsides are now saturated and what goes up must come down! CalTrans and other local agencies will be working on our crumbling roads and the proli c landslides are fearsome! I am grati ed to know that the detour of tra c o  of Hwy#1 will not occur on Ft. Ross Rd. and Cazadero Highway, except in the case of emergency.
The community was all geared up for Fish Fest April 8 and 9. The elements co-operated on April 9 but April 8 was rainy and hotel cancellations were plentiful. The boat carrying the memorial wreath to honor those who have died at sea went out April 9. The pastor from Fisherman’s Chapel thanked
the ocean for providing such largesse. Some of the attendant fishermen held their tongues, especially in light of the information that a salmon season was doubtful. Nevertheless, it was an appropriate prayer and true recognition that we are indebted to our ocean. There were varied priests and preachers there
to honor the dead. Personally I think we should include a bagpiper playing Amazing Grace as they throw out the wreath, but no one asked me. As a community we do honor those who have given their lives on the sea. Each day as I listen to the roar of the waves, and watch the changing tide levels I marvel at the power and importance of our ocean. We need to sign up for every group there is – like Ocean Conservancy, that is dedicated to keeping this important resource safe and protected. More locally, give kudos to those workers who worked so hard to celebrate Fish Fest ( the list is too long to name names) and help raise the money that keeps this community functioning. It is great fun and you will get good fish and chips and meet many of the dogs in town.
I want to thank and commend Club members Linda Baswell and Bonnie Chase for clearing trash from Cazadero Highway. Let’s all try to make their job obsolete!
Did you get fooled on April Fools’ day? I’ll admit that for a few minutes I was when my friend called and asked whether I saw it on FaceBook, THE PRESIDENT RECUSED HIMSELF and will step down.
I wish happy May Anniversaries to Joyce and Jim Berry on the 4th, along with Harriet and Ken Parmeter on that date. Cathy(of Sky Garden fame) and Dennis Schezer will celebrate on the 12th.
The first part I could admit was possible, in light of the multiple conflicts he has with the confirmation of several of his nominees, but the last part gave it away...Just call me gullible. It was a good joke.
Very Happy May birthdays wishes to Marisa Hemenway on the 5th, along with Mike Kelly, Amanda Pence-Hopkins celebrates on the 6th, my friend Tara Caplan celebrates on May 15th, Christopher Quinn Kelly on the 17th, Brittany Parmeter has her day on the 24th, dear friend in Monte Rio Jan Perlman celebrates on the 25th, Althea Johnson on the 26th, Donnie Grider celebrates on the 27th, Dustin Hubiak on the 29th and Merlin Velasquez-Greer and Greg Parmeter’s day is the 30th.
Easter approaches. Even the non-Christians among us pitch in and dye eggs and make children happy to hunt for them. There is nothing more cuddly
than an Easter bunny. For those of us who observe the Christian holiday, the celebrations start with sadness. We celebrate Maundy Thursday, the last time Jesus had with his friends and which we celebrate with remembering the Last Supper. This isn’t widely celebrated. This year Fisherman’s Chapel had a service on Thursday. When you think how many major artists have painted The Last Supper (I remember standing in awe of the painting in Italy) maybe even non-Christians can honor the man who required that all his followers practice Peace and help their fellow man (including being grateful to Samaritans (now Syria). In the Orthodox branch of the Christian church, they take to the streets on Good Friday and carry their icons from church to church in solemn parade. The bells in the churches all toll on Friday. Then quiet on Easter Saturday.
Enjoy Spring, and please call me at 632 5545 or email with info for your Cazadero Column!
The school year continues at the Montgomery Elementary School and 8th grade graduation will be in June. I will have more MES info in the next issue of the Gazette. You may call the school o ce at 632-5221 for up to date events.
Please come to the next meeting of the Cazadero Community Club to be held on Tuesday, May 2nd-7 p.m. at Firehall #1. Kim Gluch has agreed to be the Club President for this current term and will be training new Vice President Maureen Berry (Club Treasurer) to take over next year. Susan Moll will continue as the very capable secretary. All are welcome to help plan events which bene t the entire community.
As an avid Public Library user, I applaud the soon-to-be-restored Monday hours! The libraries are especially important for our many rural communities and o ers up a myriad of services to all card holders.
As Spring progresses, so do our many projects. Cazadero Supply o ers its 1st Saturday 15% Discount day, with an incredible assortment of yard, household and vehicle items to assist you.
Raymond’s Bakery features their Friday Pizza and Music Nights, plus has a presence at many Farmer’s Markets with their delectable baked goods.
Both the Cazadero and Duncans Mills General Stores have daily grocery items and many local specialties, including wine, meat and  sh, bread and soaps.
The CazSomona Inn will re-open for Mother’s Day and will probably have music and arts events throughput the warm months. Visit their website at for more info.
On Sunday (starting at midnight) JOY dominates. Firecrackers; singing; long parades celebrating the holiday, which is celebrated by those who have moved into urban settings from villages, go back to get a lamb to barbecue for the Easter holiday. Families go through their neighborhoods asking who would like to share the celebration – especially those who have very little. Sharing is the rule of the day. It’s a little like Christmas here.
We have another crisis. Another boat went down, taking with it all the earthly possessions of its owner. Lorie, at the harbor, broached the idea of helping to Fisherman’s Chapel. We are agreeable and gearing up to help. The fisherman is Andy Mereci. We are furnishing him with a new sleeping bag and buying certificates for food from Safeway. We are starting a fund – so far certificates and sox. Lorie, at the Harbor, can give more information.
Should anyone who travels like to witness heartfelt celebrations, go to Greece on Greek Easter. It is an experience those of us who have been lucky enough to witness never forget.
Spring is definitely here. The little yellow flowers by roadside are in bloom. The vineyards are budding out. The birds are making nests. It is nice to see water in the Laguna de SR. Anyone who says we have no seasons on the coast has spent no time here. It is Spring. Maybe you can see a whale or two or some baby seals learning how to live on their own.
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It is a wonderful time, in a wonderful place. Enjoy and remember, BE KIND.
We are having another Town Meeting. Our Supervisor, Linda Hopkins will be there and you can broach any questions you may have (like why doesn’t the county fill in the potholes on Whaleship Road – it’s a county road). See you at the Grange, April 27.
This is the way Bodega Bay is takes care of its own.

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