Page 2 - Sonoma County Gazette April 2020
P. 2

Dear Readers,
   Rather amazing what can happen in one month between Gazatte editions! I am an eternal optimist...a gift from my father - so I see life more in positive terms instead of negative. I’m not in denial that people are suffering and dying from the Corona Virus. I have been watching the statistics worldwide and appreciate that we CAN watch worldwide so we get the picture that WE are ALL in this TOGETHER. I feel like this tiny virus is showing us just how connected we really are.
When I was growing up, the space program had just begun. The first time people saw images of earth from space, we saw how small and fragile our planet is. Our HOME...just a tiny dot among millions of tiny dots...a spec in the Universe. This is where we live! Where the sky is blue, leaves burst forth on trees in spring, birds sing, cats purr, dogs bark, people love....on and on.
The Corona Virus travels around the world minute by minute touching and infecting people as we watch 45,000 people succumb to its power over 10 hours of time. We see that by staying at home and being clean our air quality improves. By being conscious of others outside our own lives we FEEL their pain of loss amd fear because it’s the same pain WE are feeling.
I wish profund lessons came easier, but they tend to come with tragedy.
As long as we long as we change through this experience we’ll be making progress. For me, that connectedness leads toward PEACE...that’s my hope. WE - not Us vs. Them.
    2 - - 4/20

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