Page 15 - Sonoma County Gazette 11-17
P. 15

Help us Heal our Community
At this moment, someone is su ering from stress related reactions to the devastation of their home, neighborhood and community. Those people need to tell their stories, to be with others who comprehend the impact of the situation, and to feel that a compassionate ear hears
their cry for support and understanding.
That’s why Listening Circles are so e ective. Restorative Resources trains volunteers to facilitate these circles wherever the need arises, and to o er a much needed sense of community to those who may feel adrift in the chaos.
We are always looking for
volunteers, but never more so than
If you are interested in facilitating
Listening Circles, please contact Beatrice Camacho, at 707-542-4244, or email to join a training class. As a community service, training for this process is free, through the month of November.
Mary, always holding to the knowing our hearts are good,
we are all innocent children within, only needing love to thrive and be kind.
now, when the need is greatest.
The year of the Phoenix
Fires rage through homes
licking the last taste of uneaten feasts, photos floating through the air
landing somewhere, anywhere
looking for the eyes of remembrance, that we are not just lost to the collective memory
of our existence.
Sacred hearths of brick and mortar still stand with ghosts warming their hands all around,
Do you see them amongst the ruins?
The humans have fled with their dreams buried under nightmares of the uncontainable
power of fire.
Statues of the calm meditator, Buddha chanting, “everything changes only love remains”,
echo through the hollows of washing machines
We cannot fight the elemental forces
only call on them to hear our cries;
...let us breathe and bring the merciful rains gathering from the ocean’s depths
to form sheltering clouds of moisture, ...wet our parched lips so we may lovingly kiss the earth and start again, this time leaving behind our warlike ways
and burned out car shells,
like giant insect hulls deserted.
Wings to the sky,
each of us a phoenix,
seeking rebirth and one more chance to love and dance on the sacred ground of the mysterious mother of us all.
Via Magick
St. Francis still beneficent, on the land of Marianne,
Praying for all our creatures
in flight and on the run.
in humble surrender.
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