Page 4 - Sonoma County Gazette December 2017
P. 4

   OPINION: Study Quantifies Fluoride’s Potential to Reduce IQ in Children
Lead researcher Dr. Howard Hu asserted ,“This is a
very rigorous epidemiology study. You just can’t deny
it. It’s directly related to whether  uoride is a risk for the neurodevelopment of children. So, to say it has no relevance to the folks in the U.S. seems disingenuous.” In fact, in other contexts,  uoridation proponents frequently say, “A  uoride ion is a  uoride ion.” Read the full article: content/iq-losses-continue-haunt- uoride-0
*When asked by a student, “Why are people not being seriously poisoned by drinking  uoridated water?”  uoride researcher Dr. Richard Sauerheber (B.A. Biology, Ph.D. Chemistry) replied, “Very few if any  uoridation promoters understand that  uoride at any level in the blood exerts toxic e ects to varying degree in man and animals. At 3-4 ppm,
as happened with citizens in Hooper Bay, AK during an accidental overfeed, this level is lethal (one victim perished from  uoride-induced heart block). At 1 ppm in the blood, as occurred in kidney dialysis wards where blood levels matched the level in the feed water, patient morbidity escalated (perishing from heart failure by a di erent mechanism over months of time). These events led to an FDA warning that  uoridated water cannot be used in kidney dialysis. At
lower levels, around 0.1 ppm as occurs in people consuming  uoridated water, the chronic toxic e ects are incorporation of  uoride into bone permanently, causing formation of bone of poor quality, and in some people hypothyroidism, and e ects on the brain with IQ lowering and possible ADHD increases. Of course adverse e ects on teeth enamel, hypoplasia or dental  uorosis, continues to skyrocket in incidence in U.S. teens where blood  uoride blocks normal enamelization during teeth development in children. The FDA never approved of any  uoride intended for ingestion, and banned the sale of  uoride compounds intended for ingestion by pregnant women in the U.S...”
[See Dr. Sauerheber’s full Comment content/iq-losses-continue-haunt- uoride-0 ]
In other words, people are already being
By Dawna Gallagher-Stroeh
The  rst U.S. Government-funded study investigating
prenatal neurological damage from  uoride, Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico,  nds that each 0.5 part per million (ppm) increase in a pregnant woman’s urine  uoride levels reduced her child’s IQ by 2.5 - 3 points.*
The new study is unique in approach, size, and duration, but it joins over 300 other studies  nding evidence of  uoride- based cognitive damage a ecting IQ.
The full peer-reviewed study was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives (9/19/2017), and can be downloaded at the U. S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) website: EHP655.alt_.pdf
Dr. Howard Hu, Dean of the University of Toronto School of Public Health, headed a team of scientists from University of Toronto, University of Michigan, McGill University, and Harvard, analyzing data from 287 mother-child pairs in Mexico City.
A press release from the University of Toronto School of Public Health describes the study’s methodology:
The research team analyzed urine samples that had been taken from mothers during pregnancy and from their children between six and 12 years of age to reconstruct personal measures of  uoride exposure for both mother and child. “This is signi cant because previous studies estimated exposures based on neighborhood measurements of drinking water  uoride levels, which are indirect and much less
precise measures of exposure. [Previous studies] also looked at children’s exposures instead of prenatal exposures or had much smaller sample sizes of subjects to study,” said Dr. Hu. The researchers then analyzed how levels of  uoride in urine related to the children’s verbal, perceptual-performance, quantitative, memory, and motor abilities at age four and once more between the ages of six and 12. Analyses were adjusted for other factors known to impact neurodevelopment, such as gestational age at birth, birthweight, birth order, sex, maternal marital status, smoking history, age at delivery, IQ, education, socioeconomic status and lead exposure.
seriously poisoned by drinking fluoridated water.
 4 - - 12/17
The study found “...higher levels of maternal urinary  uoride during pregnancy (a proxy for prenatal [placental blood]  uoride exposure) that are in the range of levels of exposure in other general population samples of pregnant women as well as nonpregnant adults were associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the o spring at 4 and 6–12 y old.” Read the full article: dlsph.utoronto. ca/2017/09/higher-levels-of- uoride-in-urine-associated- with-lower-intelligence-in-children/
In the middle range, a few IQ points might not be missed, but lowering average IQ means, at the high end, fewer gifted people solving society’s problems, and more mentally de cient people that society would have to support.
*In his review of the new study, in the Lund Report, Rick North notes: The decrease was signi cant. Each 0.5 part per million (ppm) increase in a pregnant woman’s urine  uoride levels reduced her child’s IQ by 2.5 - 3 points. The child of a mother drinking 1 ppm of  uoridated water, close to the U.S standard of 0.7 ppm, would be expected to have a drop of 5 to 6 IQ points compared to a child of a mother drinking water with close to no  uoride in it...
At the September 2016 Sonoma County Dental Health Summit, our Public Health O cer was enthusiastic about the study, E ect of Supplementation of Fluoride on Maternal Periodontal Health, Preterm Delivery, and Perinatal Well- Being (clinical trials for the study began in 2015 and continue to the present).
North further reports: Mexico, like most nations, doesn’t  uoridate its water. The ADA’s [dismisses the study because] the women were mainly getting their  uoride
from consuming  uoridated salt or varying natural levels of  uoride in the water. [ urge-caution-over-study-linking- uoride-exposure-in- pregnancy-to-lower-iqs-in-children] North explains: “The ADA ignores the fact that  uoride’s e ects are the same once it’s inside the body, no matter the source. Most others felt di erently.
The Fluoride Supplementation study itself warns: The safety and scienti c validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Know the risks and potential bene ts of clinical studies
To understand more, watch the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) video by chemist and toxicologist, Professor Paul Connett, PhD: watch?v=uSo32UTXiLQ
 and talk to your health care provider before participating. Read our disclaimer for details. NCT02536352
In-utero  uoride exposure adversely a ects a child’s IQ, the FDA has not approved  uoride for ingestion, and yet researchers are experimenting on pregnant women by prescribing  uoride supplements.
A cavity can be fixed, but a child’s brain, once
Please help protect our children. Put Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in the hands of obstetricians and pediatricians now. content/uploads/2017/09/EHP655.alt_.pdf
damaged, cannot.

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