Page 9 - City of Hope 2023 NLIC Spirit of Life Journal
P. 9

  Acknowledgment of Contributors
Support for City of Hope by the National Life Insurance Council has been tremendous over the years, and this year is no exception. We are grateful for every contribution, no matter what the amount, as your generosity helps City of Hope push forward the time when cures for cancer and other life-threatening diseases will be found. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed towards the fundraising campaign.
Heroes of Hope
Champions of Hope
Lion Street
Circle of Hope
Brayton Family Pacific Life Penn Mutual
Table Sponsor
James Joyce Lion Street
Rod Martin Voya Financial
Justin Stiegler Pacific Life
Lee Warner*
The Warner Companies
NLIC Board of Directors
Council Chair
Royce Imhoff* Lion Street
Council Vice Chair
Robert DiMeo* Crump Life
Advisory Chair
Tony Markel* Markel
Brian Batson* KRUPIN Partners
Kevin Brayton* Prudential
Chris Cairns* Pacific Life
Cleves Delp* TDC
Tyler Horning* * Founding Life Insurance Council Member TDC
PastSpiritofLifeĀ® Honorees
Dawn Behnke Pacific Life
Royce Imhoff II Lion Street
Rod Martin Voya

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